August 30, 2008

Let's just say . . .

I'm so thankful that this week is behind me! I won't bore you with lame details but I just haven't had enough time for myself, or to sew or blog this week. I could have posted a thankful post a couple other times, but couldn't get myself to the computer long enough to post. :) But having it on my mind that I need to be thankful has been a huge blessing to me, in the midst of my stress. Oh! And I did manage to loose 1.5 lbs this week too! I have a tendency to run into the kitchen when I get emotional - so that's huge!

I did cut my cancer quilt earlier this week, and I just sewed the blocks this morning! It's super simple half triangle squares. It came with the pattern and fabric just enough.

I love the fabric and the bold colors. As I work with it I think about how it will (hopefully) bring a smile to a very sick child.

I have some major catching up to do in bloglines, sometimes I think I read too many blogs . . . but I can't just weed out people. It would be like cutting friends out of my life for no reason! No way, just little by little catch up!
Hope you have a great holiday weekend!


  1. the quilt is going to be amazing with so much care and love sewn into it. i hope you have a better week this week and congrats on losing those pounds!

  2. this is such happy fabric...congrats on the weight loss...way to go!!! i know what you mean about overwhelmed by the blogs on my reader. i know i read too many, but i just get to them as i can.

  3. Maybe next week will be less stressful. The quilt fabric is bright and cheery!!


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