August 13, 2008

Nine Years

Today is our wedding anniversary! Nine years ago today, Joe and I were married :) We were both relieved that we were actually married, the weeks leading up to it were hectic and fun. I thought that in honor of our day I would share 9 things about US. . .
1 - We met while on a three week missions trip with our school. I had just finished my Junior year and Joe his Freshman.

2 - We didn't really get along, or even like each other at first, but married just a year later!

3 - We are both the oldest child in our families, which played out in #2, and we have our moments day to day where it is obvious. :)

4- We wrote letters for three months and got to know one another, prior to dating. (He went home to Utah while I was in So. California for the summer).

5 - We decided before we got married that we wanted to be parents within 2 years. . .

6 - Ella, our oldest is our honeymoon baby. Not on purpose - but we were so blessed when she arrived, and everyday since. :)

7 - We love to laugh together, and at each other!

8 - Our favorite movie together is Return to Me.

9 - We look forward to being old together, sure that we will still be laughing!

Jenna is quilting today and will be sticking around to babysit while we get to have a movie/dinner date. Hope you all have a great day -


  1. Congratulations Amy and Joe!!! What a beautiful picture. I remember you being pregnant and having Ella - in fact the last time I saw her in person was probably when she was a baby! M and I are also first-borns, and it has made for some "lively discussions" that's for sure! :)

  2. happy anniversary!

  3. Happy Aniversary!! And you did such a neat post to celebrate it!

  4. Happy Anniversary!
    Keep on laughing together~

  5. Congratulations. You guys look so cute! I am happy that you can laugh together...I think that is very important!

  6. Congratulations! I remember the days when your love was blossoming!! And your insane wedding binder! Man, Joe looks SO young in that wedding picture. Then again, you did rob the cradle a bit :) Bean and I are both the oldest too! Hope you have a special night together.

  7. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! I was there! LOL...hugs to both of you

  8. Happy anniversary you two! Your wedding picture is so beautiful. Blessings to your family! x

  9. Congratulations Amy!!! I remember that wedding picture, and I remember visiting you in Vanguard Center when you had Ella. You guys make such a beautiful couple!

  10. One more little item. (by the way is it cold this morning?) Come on over to my blog and pick up your very own blog award!

  11. Congratulations, Amy! I loved the post. It's so neat to see you all doing so well. I hope you had a nice out on the town!

  12. happy anniversary! (a bit late..sorry) hope it was wonderful...wishing you many more happy years! (congrats on the blog award too...well deserved!)

  13. Congrats. What a beautiful photo and I love your bouquet too. So elegant.

    Have a great weekend!


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