August 25, 2008

A Sunday Finish on Monday

My day is finally winding down - I still don't feel like we are in our school routine yet. Hopefully this week will prove me wrong :)

I finished this little beauty yesterday and it made it through the wash today. I know that I've said it before. . . but I love the puckery goodness as it comes from the wash. It measures 32x34 inches, I found that these little quilts are great for privacy while nursing too. They don't collapse on the baby's face.

Here's the back - the entire quilt is scraps, so it's just extra bits sewn together.

I am ready to get started on my cancer quilt - I really need to whip it up!
Have a good night ~

PS - I almost forgot that I received another award! Sherri gave me this sweet award the other day and I would love to pass it on to anyone that has left a comment recently!Thanks Sherri! Leave a comment if you post it on your blog - I want to check it out :)


  1. i love that puckeriness of quilts, too. this one is lovely! great idea as a nursing cover-up!

  2. What a great idea for a small little quilt. My best friend is havign a baby soon and she might need litle burpie towels and nursing blankets too!

  3. warm from the dryer is the best. this is cute! scraps can sure look the back. always love reading your blessings.


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