August 12, 2008

Tiny Bits

Here's the mess that I have created for myself! Tons of tiny hourglass blocks :) I really have had fun working with them, there's just lots to work with. And here's the layout:
I had considered making it random, but with only 4 different blocks, it wouldn't end up very random. And I am a concrete sequential and random is hard for me! I believe I have enough to make a baby quilt 36" square. And then I can send it off to a friend with a new baby :)

Happy Tuesday -


  1. I too have 'tons' of half square triangle pieces that I'm thinking about making into something. . . someday! I can't wait to se yours all sewn together!
    (Your "concrete sequential" phrase took me (way) back to when I was getting a teaching certificate & my learning styles class - what a jolt to my past!) lol!
    xo, Bren

  2. looks like it will be a lovely quilt. i also have a problem with 'random' quilting. i'm trying to get over it, but it's hard!

  3. Very nice! I like that it's not random .. much more organized!

    Here's what I did with leftovers from many years of sewing...someday I'll finish it!

    I'm enjoying poking around your site!



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