September 11, 2008

I Am Thankful : : 3

I am thankful for

- healthy kids.
- a free country to live in.
- a blogging community :)
- my sweet, patient husband.
- cool crisp air outside - no cooling the house, and just a tiny bit of heat in the morning.
- Ella, she loves school and is a great student.

It has been amazing how my whole mindset changes, when I remind myself to be grateful for the blessings around me. Big or small I have so much to be thankful for.

Blessings to you!

You are welcome to join me in being thankful! I would love to know the blessings in your life - leave a comment and let me know :) Or post your own list.


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said... 1


Artfulife said... 2

I am thankful for way too many things to put in your comment section. So I guess the number one would be my family!

Anonymous said... 3

Being thankful truly does 'turn the tide' of complaining and grumbling. I'm so thankful for my family, and friends like you!

Anonymous said... 4

This week I am thankful for ~friends~brothers~parents~daughters~and a loving hubby!