September 06, 2008

Visitor Fun

We spent the last couple of days catching up and exploring new craftiness for my mom! She's been a seamstress since she was a girl, like myself, and had never made a yo-yo until Thursday. My mom found my yo-yo maker in my handy bin of sewing stuff and that sent her on a new journey. She's had multiple shoulder surgeries and no longer enjoys sewing garments or doing much at the machine, but loves hand work! We went to JoAnn's yesterday and purchased a yo-yo maker of her own and 20 fat-quarters to get her started with a lap quilt or pillow topper. We will just have to wait and see how far she gets :)

After eeking out nap time today, we went to the park with the kids - I love the park. It's free, it satisfies the need to get out of the house, and the kids always come home tired! Having an extra set of hands and eyes I took the camera and took tons of pictures. :) Hope you don't mind!
Ella's getting going . . .

Emmalie loves the tall twirly slide.

Sophia loves to swing and enjoyed having Grandma pushing just her today!

I always start Owen in the swing - but he gets bored fast. . .

Yelling after Ella.

"Mommy, can I get out!"

He really wants to dig in the dirt!

And taste it too!

Ella's a monkey!

Sophia doesn't want to even feel the dirt!

But she's all smiles for the camera!

Running - it's mayhem and they love it!

Cute pic with Grandma :)
Owen loves to forge his own trail.

Emmalie is my sweetheart.

Sophia was all tuckered out.

And Owen too! He was laying there crying and I took his picture. . . he was ready to go home.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend~


Anonymous said... 1

your kids are ADORABLE! and that last picture of owen laying down really sums up a full day at the park!

Anonymous said... 2

Such beautiful pictures of the kids!! So glad you're all enjoying your Mom's visit.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said... 3

Oh, these photos are wonderful!


No Crying Mama said... 4

great pic's! Owen is looking so big, even though I know he turned one not too long ago. I'm glad you and the kids are having fun with your mom.

Jaimie said... 5

You are amazing, Amy. I don't know how you do it with 4 kids!!! The pics are so cute. How great to have your mom there and get to quilt a little too (oh- and I totally thought you were talking about making a wooden Yo-Yo, but as I read I think you were talking about some kind of quilting yo-yo??) :) Sorry - I am not a quilter, so it's all new to me! :)

Anonymous said... 6

so cute :)

Artfulife said... 7

Your kids are too precious. I never got your email, so I am going to try and send you an email. Hope you are having a blast with your mom.

Anonymous said... 8

Cute pics! Your day at the park looks like lots of fun!

Ang said... 9

Amy, your kiddos are so cute. I can't believe how much Ella has grown. It looks like they're doing great, and you, what a great quilter! I soooo want to learn to sew. You inspire me to give it a shot! Thanks for sharing your blogs. I really enjoy reading them.