I've posted about this
quilt before - but I decided I need to set a good example for all of you and post about it again. :)
Before I started this quilt, I had been sitting with my sketch pad trying to figure out diamonds and the best way to accomplish them for a week or so. Finally I'd had enough and needed to cut into some fabric! I had covertly purchased a Blossom jelly roll on ebay - I remember it being $20 and had to have it. Perfect opportunity to try something new!

This is my favorite quilt mostly for all it represents. I learned so much in making this little gem, it measures 38" square. I realized after cutting all my strips into diamonds that I could have sewn three or four together before cutting them into diamonds - ooooh!

After all the laborious pinning and matching seams was complete I then took my first stab at free motion quilting. I love the outcome! All the dimples and bumps - the puckery feel under hand - yummy!

Over the course of this last week, I've realized that I need to make space for this quilt. I would like to be able to see it daily, instead of keeping it hidden from the suns harsh rays. If we don't cherish our quilts they can easily be forgotten - and we don't want that!
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you are enjoying your time at our festival!
Blessings ~
Oh Ah! Your quilt is just gorgeous! Love the design as well as those fabrics. Having a great time looking at everyone's quilts. Thank you Amy, from Rita
Your quilt is fabulous and I hope you continue to get encouragement from knowing you can take on a challenge and succeed! I wonder if there is any UV protectors for fabric, or if UV window glazing makes a difference??
I love your diamond quilt! And I love the story behind it. I have been wanting to make a diamond quilt lately, so thank you for the inspiration. Happy to hear you're going to use it daily instead of tucking it away.
Beautiful. I too used to keep quilts stored away from dust and sunlight. Why oh why? Now they're out for everyday use and enjoyment. When they wear out...make more!
having the quilt out where you could enjoy it more often sounds like a grand idea! I love the visual texture the quilting created.
Very beautiful quilt.
I love the diamonds! it's a great quilt!
So pretty! I have a whole closet full of quilts I never see. You're right, we should take them out and look at them.
Beautiful...I love the fabric and design. You are right, we should have our quilts out to enjoy them. We have 5 0r 6 throws that are much bigger than my lap quilt, but my boys always want that one...handmade by us is just always better!
Fabulous diamonds!
I love the color choices and the diamond pattern is lovely. I love that this was your first try at free motion quilting. I have yet to take that leap. Seeing yours gives me courage. Thanks.
Great story! And I love the mixed fabric border. Thanks for sharing :)
This is a great idea!!! Hope you enjoy seeing my "entry".
This is beautiful! I love the diamonds!
Lovely quilt Amy! I also love the texture of the finish product. It totally deserves a place where everyone can see it and use it.
Thanks for organizing this festival!!
Amy, this is a gorgeous quilt! The colors are wonderful!
I love the colours in this quilt! BTW, I've added so many blogs to my reader though this, you're going to be responsible for even more time spent surfing instead of quilting ;) I'm pausing between each bobbin (I'm quilting) to read a few blogs, but a few becomes a dozen...
i ♥ this colors/fabrics in this quilt.
Great quilt. I love it! There's just nothing like the feel of a freshly washed, puckery quilt, is there?
A gorgeous quilt Amy! I love the beautiful fabrics and the great design!
Love the diamonds in this beatiful quilt!
I love this quilt and the fabrics you chose. One question...what is the pocket/triangular part for on the back of the quilt?
I just love the colour combinations of this quilt. You're right. It deserves to be out in full display...in the suns rays and in sight of everyone's eyes. I've written down the name of the fabric line, I just love it!
Love your quilt colours and design!
What a great idea your Quilt Fesival is! I'm so pleased to be a part of it!
Maria Michaels Designs
Quilts for Sale
That's a beautiful quilt Amy -- I love the diamonds and the pretty colors!
A gorgeous quilt that deserves to be enjoyed and used!
You must be so proud of the response to this online festival. Well done!!
What a beautiful quilt! I still haven't worked up the nerve to try diamonds.
Very cozy, Amy! Lovely...
I also had this jellyroll and cut it up into diamonds. It is both very similar yet very different from yours. And yes you could have strip pieced these diamonds, but you would have lost the funky randomness that makes this such a happy quilt. I luv it! Well done!
What an amazing quilt. It is really beautiful.
I love it. Also, in the picture of the back, what is that corner piece for?
I'm still intimidated by diamonds. I love the fabric combinations in this quilt.
I'm with you about the dimples a quilt has after quilting and washing.
Beautiful quilt and I love the story!
The placement of light medium and dark values is great in this quilt. It really keeps your eye moving. Great job with diamonds. They intimidate me! I'm still commenting at home. My dial up isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Thank you again for this. I'm having a great time!
I love your quilt. I belong to the school of 'What are you waiting for? Use it!' It is too pretty to save for the yard sale a future son or daughter in-law may sell it at. :-)
Wonderful quilt. I liked reading about your "learning curve".
What a great idea. Thanks for letting me play. The quilt artists and the quilts are all wonderful.
It's lovely Amy. Isn't it great when we go on a journey of learning when making a quilt. Of course it would be even better if some of those tips to make things easier were known beforehand. I love the diamonds pattern, it's one I haven't yet had a go at.
Please do hang your lovely quilt so you can see it daily. I finally did that a couple of years ago and even though I knew they might fade under a skylight, I knew I could make more. No sense in having them hidden in a cupboard.
I love the warm colors and the diamonds. There's no way I could ever hide this one away in a closet. It looks way, way to snuggle-able (and it so goes with all of the paint colors in my house)! :) Thanks so much for sharing it.
ooh I really like those diamonds - and the colours too! I am going to have to have a go at diamonds. I will keep in mind that you can make a few before you cut!
what a beautiful quilt, I love the colors. :)
I love the fact that you thought of a better way after you did the cutting. The finished product is fantastic. Your quilt festival is giving me so many great ideas and reminding me to try to think of the easiest way to do any project. Thanks.
thanks for setting up the festival -- I've added my link. Love your diamonds...
such a beautiful quilt!! this has been so fun to look at everyones quilts!! i love how they are all so different, and each with a story! thanks for setting this up!
Amy, what a wonderful idea! Thank you for organizing it.
Machine quilting your own quilts....there is nothing like that "feel" for sure. Great quilt.
I am absolutely LOVING this online festival...it may take a while but I plan to see each and every one.
Outstanding idea, Thank you so much
Very pretty little quilt. I like the colors you used...
Thanks all for your kind words for my little quilt!
A few asked about the triangles on the back - they are little pockets for hanging it! There is a link within this post to my earlier post about this finished quilt where I link to the tutorial I used to create them.
Fabulous quilt!
And thank you so much for organizing this show...so much fun!
that must have been such fun to make.
Wonderful quilt, great story!
What a beautiful quilt, thanks for sharing it and for hosting this wonderful festival!
Beautiful. It's hard to believe you were an inexperienced free-motion quilter! I agree that we need to see those quilts that make us happy.
Beautiful. I am looking at all of these quilts and want to learn to quilt...I have so many "want to do" things now...I just need to get started. This has been so fun. I do love all the colors in this quilt. Beautiful.
I love this quilt. It is beautiful. I love all the colors and the diamond pattern.
I love the colors of this. It's wonderful!
your totally the best for doing this for all of us quilters! and I love this quilt! the fabrics are great and so is the quilting!!!!!
I love everything about this quilt! The diamonds are beautiful and the fabrics are so lively. Thanks for the tip about sewing strips together and then cutting the diamonds. What a great idea!
I love your quilt, Amy and I love your color choices. It's such a rich quilt, rich in color, creativity and love...I can just see it.
Thanks for getting us all involved in the Bloggers Quilt Festival. I know it was a great deal of work for you to bring this off.
Hi Amy! Love your quilt! I'm the same way about the quilting; I just love to run my hand over quilts to feel the quilting. I love the way it looks, with all the puckers that make wonderful shadows.
Your Quilt Festival is a HUGE success! It's really awesome, thanks again for organizing it.
Lovely! I treasure those learning quilts.
This is absolutely stunning! Another project to add to my to do list.
Your diamond quilt is gorgeous! I had not seen it before so I am happy that you shared it again. I inherited a diamond quilt from my grandmother that I love. Maybe I need to make one of my own?:)
Your quilt is truly lovely with such an interesting color palette. Great job on the quilting...it makes me want to reach out and touch it!
Thanks too, for hosting the Quilt Festival. It has been such fun to visit all the blogs and see the gorgeous quilts, especially since I won't be attending Spring Quilt Market this year. This is a wonderful substitute!
This is so wonderful!! Many thanks for all you have done to put this together!
I know you're probably going crazy with comments this week...but I love your quilt! I'm not usually a big fan of diamonds, but this quilt is amazing...really...amazing enough to make me want to make this quilt! I'm so glad I did the blogger's quilt festival as well...I've discovered some great new blogs...and happy to hear you'll do this again in the fall...if I can help out then in any way, let me know!
Lovely quilt. I do so agree that quilts should be seen and used rather than hidden away.
Beautiful job! Good to know that you want to display and enjoy it, that's what quilts are for!
Thanks for hosting this festival, it is great fun to see everyone's art!
What a great idea. Such fun.
Good luck to all!
Wonderful pretty quilt Amy!
I just tried free motion not too long ago and it's fun, isn't it!?
It was a great idea to organize a quilt festival! Thanks!
Happy sewing!
I think this is a lovely quilt. The diamond points line up just great and the quilting is fun, too.
Wow! That does some optical illusions, doesn't it. That looks like an incredible amount of exact work matching points! What patience!
Thanks so much for putting this on! What a brilliant idea. I have had so much fun reading through all of the blogs and comments. It's been really motivating!
Well done! Too bad you didn't realize about sewing the strips together first, but it looks great!
Amy, I love your quilt. I also want to thank you for setting up the The Blogger's Quilt Festival. I hope you host it again next year.
Renaissance Woman
Love the diamonds, love the fabric! Great pick!
Very striking.. Diamonds something I have yet to try. Hmmm maybe someday.
Yes siree - you must hang this pronto. It's certainly ready given the sleeve you included.
Thanks for launching this festival - I'm getting so many great ideas.
First of all thank you so much for putting this Quilt Festival together. It may take me forever to get around all the blogs but I am enjoying the process. Next your quilt and story are just great. Love your colors. The creative process is awesome isn't it?
Amy thank you so much for your great idea to host a virtual show. I still haven't made it to all the blogs, but I do a few each evening. I really like your quilt.
Yup, a diamond quilt is in my future..has been for a while...I love the look of them. Suggestion....make this your next quilt along! I would definately be in! I will be trying the zigzag one I think...aren't you using all HSTs? I think there is a tute to make one without triangles also.
Diamonds are a girl's best friend! I love it! and you really should use it once in a while, put some good "life" into it, right?
Amy - I love your quilt. The colors are perfect for this time of year. I love the diamonds also, they are the perfect shape for all the colors and they add much more interest than plain squares. Thank you so much for organizing this quilt festival. It is so much fun.
Wow! I LOVE this quilt! It is gorgeous! Someday I'm going to make a quilt with diamonds...after I finish the like 34 other quilts I have on my list first! LOL
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