April 27, 2009

A Notion or Two - April

So I have this thing. I have to finish before I can move on to the next thing. Not usually a problem - but sometimes I really want to move on to the next thing and my OCD won't let me!

Today I finished up my block for A Notion or Two, Russ sent out Amy Butler prints to make a quilt for his daughter. It took me a while to be inspired, but in the end I made a mini snowball block.

April - for Russ

April - for Russ

After finishing up I spent some time ironing and cutting up this --

SewConnected May

It's my month for SewConnected!! I'm excited to see what this becomes with everyone's creativity. I'll keep you updated :)

In "other" news - my boy got a haircut.

Big Boy!

Isn't he cute? Owen will be 2 in June. Back in January I had 3 stitches because I cut the skin off the top of my knuckle while trying to give Owen a haircut . . . I'm happy to say that I have full mobility and a normal looking knuckle. I should also point out that I have vowed to not cut the kids' hair :) Joe took the clippers to Owen, while I held his hands and then him, as he got more nervous.


  1. I'm usually not a fan of Amy Butler fabrics, but this block that you made came out so nice! Well done, Amy.

  2. Your mini snowball block is a beauty! I want to make one NOW!!
    Do look after your knuckles, they are very important for your creativity!! ;D

  3. I just love the fabric. I still have not found the right pattern for my Amy's fabrics.

  4. I love the fabrics you chose for your month!

  5. Great blocks and fabric! Owen is so cute with his new haircut. Glad there were no casualties with this cut.

  6. He is so cute! I am glad you did not cut his hair this time. I need your hands in great shape because I love reading your blog and use it for inspiration.

  7. Beautiful snowball blocks - I love those fabrics!
    And Owen..well, let's just say those eyes just melt me! He could get away with lots around me if he looked at me that way! LOL!
    I am similar with finishing projects. I have 3 cut out right now. And I really really want to work on one, but I can't until i have the other one all sewed up!

  8. Absolutely GORGEOUS fabrics. WOW!

    And your little guy is just a little man! So, so cute! Love him!

  9. Oh, those eyes on Owen...wow! So cute.
    The mini snow balls are adorable.

  10. Love that snowball block! Very pretty. And those magnetic grey eyes.

  11. He's a cutie. :) I don't normally care for Amy fabrics but you made them look very pretty!

  12. I am just like that as well. I can't move on to new things with unfinished projects lying around. Makes me crazy. But I have two long kind of tedious projects going on right now that I SO want to be past so I can do other things...but they HAVE to be finished first!

  13. I wish my problem was having to finish one project before starting another. My attention span is too short and so I usually have about 6or 7 projects going at once.

    LOVE the snowball block!

    Thanks for putting me on you links. I'll be putting you on mine,too.

    ~Poplar Porch

  14. those snowballs are so cute! I love the fabric with it too

  15. Such pretty fabric-and an ADORABLE boy!!

  16. Love all of the fabrics and your snowball blocks. And Owen, what a face! He's adorable and looks so handsome with his new haircut. x

  17. I got goose bumps reading about you cutting your own skin, poor girl!! I'm glad your finger is ok now. Your boy is sooo cute!!


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