I think it looks great, and yes, curves would be cool. I love the loopy quilting that one of the Wildwood quilts in the flickr group has. It is goddessinprogress' quilt.
I totally admire you for taking this on! I think I'll be ready to quilt the zig zag myself, but my QAL is going to the Backporch Quilters.
Curves, bubbles, circles...you get the idea. I love your fabric choice. Unfortunately I didn't get in on this one til it was too late but I'm definitely in on your new Zig Zag one! Jenn
I like your craziness. The zigzag quilt sounds like a lot of fun. I just finished the top for the one based on Amanda Jean's tutorial and found a mistake in it. I like the idea of curves. This from the person who does not machine quilt.
Wow. Machine quilting that yourself is a daunting prospect. At least it would be for me. :)
I like the thought of soft spirals or cursive loops on your quilt. The softness will offset the straight lines and compliment the soft, lazy colors. It's beautiful, and I hope I have the courage to make one that big someday!
Your quilt is great. I did the QAL I did mine with a one inch diagonal grid. Came out very nice and was not to hard for me to do on my machine. I can't wait to see what you do with curves that will be wonderful. I can't wait for the Zig Zag QAL!!!
Yes, curves are always a good choice on a linear quilt. I could see lines back and forth following the direction of the piecing in each block. That would make a more graphic look to the quilt. Just a thought.
Wow, that is huge! Curves work for me. We were in Heber last Friday and are coming up again Saturday. I looked all over for you and never did see you :(
I saw this quilt today, and the quilting made me think of your quilt and how you're trying to figure out what to do... http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_yWoxKg5oKrY/SlQWnJN7KDI/AAAAAAAAGQ8/dUitRZer8uE/s1600-h/yellow+quilting.jpg
exuberantcolor.blogspot.com if my link doesn't work! It's the yellow sunny quilt!
agreed, you're nuts! j/k haha! GOOD FOR YOU AMY! I would love to play along:) I have been SO lazy lately, maybe this is the push I need to get SOMETHING done, thanks! Glad you liked the fabric!
Curves would be interesting. Very pretty, tho. TTFN ~Marydon
Pretty...and big. Good luck with the quilting. I'm sure whatever you decided will only enhance it.
I think it looks great, and yes, curves would be cool. I love the loopy quilting that one of the Wildwood quilts in the flickr group has. It is goddessinprogress' quilt.
I totally admire you for taking this on! I think I'll be ready to quilt the zig zag myself, but my QAL is going to the Backporch Quilters.
Oh yes, curves for sure!! I think floral type quilting or feathery would be fantastic!!
Beautiful! As for the quilting? Definitely curves. The eye likes contrast. Happy Quilting!
Curves indeed, it will look great, already does.
Curves, bubbles, circles...you get the idea. I love your fabric choice. Unfortunately I didn't get in on this one til it was too late but I'm definitely in on your new Zig Zag one! Jenn
curves would compliment it really really well. wonderful work, it will be adsolutely gorgeous!
Bubbles would look great!
Wow, what a lovely quilt sandwich you have there!! I love it.
I like the idea of curved quilting.
Thanks for sharing.
I think curves will look great. going to go check out the flickr group. Great quilt.
I like your craziness. The zigzag quilt sounds like a lot of fun. I just finished the top for the one based on Amanda Jean's tutorial and found a mistake in it. I like the idea of curves. This from the person who does not machine quilt.
Wow! This is going to be an amazing quilt when you're finished...curved quilting sounds good to me!
Wow. Machine quilting that yourself is a daunting prospect. At least it would be for me. :)
I like the thought of soft spirals or cursive loops on your quilt. The softness will offset the straight lines and compliment the soft, lazy colors. It's beautiful, and I hope I have the courage to make one that big someday!
definitely some loopy loops!
Your quilt is great. I did the QAL I did mine with a one inch diagonal grid. Came out very nice and was not to hard for me to do on my machine. I can't wait to see what you do with curves that will be wonderful. I can't wait for the Zig Zag QAL!!!
Man, that's huge! Curves would be perfect!
Yes, curves are always a good choice on a linear quilt. I could see lines back and forth following the direction of the piecing in each block. That would make a more graphic look to the quilt. Just a thought.
Just beautiful.
I stippled,that is all I can offer ya. ;)
Wow, that is huge! Curves work for me. We were in Heber last Friday and are coming up again Saturday. I looked all over for you and never did see you :(
Amy, your quilt is so big, how do you quilt a quilt that big? I vote for curves and swirls. Aunt Beth
I saw this quilt today, and the quilting made me think of your quilt and how you're trying to figure out what to do...
exuberantcolor.blogspot.com if my link doesn't work! It's the yellow sunny quilt!
Curves or loops would look great I think :D
I still can't get over the size! It will be beautiful whatever you decide, and you have had some great suggestions so far!
It is so gorgeous. I have never quilted and am in awe of anyone who can do such awesome work.
Lovely large quilt - whatever you decide to do - it's a beauty.
I admire you for tackling such a large quilt. This is going to be SO amazing! I guess I would just do free motion so you don't get overwhelmed.
I'm so excited for the new quilt-along! Thanks for leading us.
I'd say you're crazy - crazy cool;) Thanks for leading a new quiltalong!
Yes I think curves or echoed circles would be great!! I did a very square quilt once and used circles to quilt, I loved the result!
Beautiful quilt!
It's going to be great however you decide to quilt "the monster" Amy! I swear I just giggle whenever I see it now!
I went with loopy hearts. . .I loved the finished product and it really adds a sweetness to it.
agreed, you're nuts! j/k haha! GOOD FOR YOU AMY! I would love to play along:) I have been SO lazy lately, maybe this is the push I need to get SOMETHING done, thanks! Glad you liked the fabric!
So pretty-your purse is too!
Curves are a great idea! I can't wait to get to this stage!
Take one of the floral patterns from your fabric and use as an inspirational repeat. You could do it in each block, or as a linear pattern.
curve it up!! i'd go with lots of loops... but thats my fav!
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