August 22, 2009

A Little Bit of Sunshine

Thanks so much for all your encouragement this week - seriously means so much to me. After Emmalie woke up with a bad stomach ache yesterday I was prepared for the worst, but she fought it off and is back at full energy today! She got her stitches out yesterday too!

After praying a few prayers of health for our family I got to work cleaning. A little clorox goes a long ways in killing germs. I figure if I pray and don't clean, it's like praying for a good grade on a test that I never studied for! My girls helped a bit too, wiping down their own chairs and most commonly used light switches :)

There was sunshine in my mailbox yesterday! A while back I won a giveaway from my friend Sheree. Here's the beginning of the fun -

A great grocery tote! She appliqued the flower so beautifully - you can get your own in her shop too :) Did you notice that the bag is bulging? Look at all the goodies!
Lots and lots of fabric, my choice in a pattern, scraps to inspire and beautiful antique buttons!
Sheree has been busy all summer teaching kids to sew, and getting ready to launch a collection of patterns - she is one to keep an eye on! And I would be remiss if I didn't tell you about the giveaway she has up right now - go join in the fun, it's just for quilters, or new quilters :)

On a separate note I was browsing on etsy, and made an impulse buy! I never do that - usually I buy per project (stay-at-home mom to 4!) these were calling to me and they are just lovely!!
I will let you know when I figure out what to do with them :) Sophia's quilt is in the dryer - I'm excited to have it emerge all crinkly!

Happy Weekend~

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  1. Lots of pretties in this post. Hope everyone is feeling better.

  2. Congratulations on the win. I am waiting to see what you do with it all. Glad everyone is feeling better.

  3. What lovelies ... now what will you create with them all? The tote is really pretty & bright. Stay better everyone ... TTFN ~Marydon

  4. Look at all those lovely goodies! And YAY to impulse buys!!!

  5. Look at all those fun goodies! You're going to have fun with those.

  6. Lucky you with that huge giveaway loot! I can't believe you actually bought fabric without a project in mind - I'm so proud of you. *hehehe*

  7. Isn't Sheree just the best Amy? I'm in love with Bari J's fabrics, I just purchased some and used a bit of the yellow willow pattern today. I'm mainly just admiring them for now but those blue teapots and bright flowers are calling my name for sure! Glad to hear things are healthier on the home front!

  8. Hi there Amy,

    I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog. I love seeing the quilts you create. I have similar fabric tastes. I loved the quilting on your zig zag quilt. It looked fabulous.

  9. You lucky girl!!! glad things are looking up for you now!

  10. What an awesome goodie bag!! And I love your impulse buy - delightful! That bluebird fabric is adorable.

  11. sheree is the best! congrats. i'm glad the bugs are staying away, well sort of, from your family!!

  12. Lucky you to be the winner of all these great gifts.
    I love the fabrics too, one line in particular Love the birds on the limbs ( on left in photo) next to the bright pink and blue fabrics. Can you tell me what line it is, or where you purchased it?? Could it be Bari J.
    Thanks so much.

  13. what a cute bag! And, wow, those are some great goodies inside too!

  14. That was nice-such pretty colors-just a bag full of goodies.

  15. I hope the bugs are leaving you all alone, sweet Amy! And enjoy the goodies and do share pics with me of what you make! I'd love to add some of your things to the website's inspiration pages!


  16. i am intrigued that you buy fabric per project. i kind of wish that i were at that point. :0) it just seems to make a lot of sense.


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