6:30-7:30 am
I get up! It depends on how late I stayed up the night before, but when possible I like to have a little quiet time, and coffee to wake up, before everyone needs something. I usually take a moment to turn on my computer, and scan my email for anything needing my attention.
I try to start each day with the table clear, like this -
Wake up the big girls if they aren't up already. Then it's the usual busyness of getting two girls out the door. And I throw clothes on to get them to school :)
Drive girls to school and come home to enjoy my last (3rd) cup of coffee! With my coffee & breakfast I check email/twitter/facebook/reader, and write a post if needed. (I try to write it at night and schedule it for the next day, but that maybe happens 50% of the time) Meanwhile Owen & Sophia are playing together, possibly watching cartoons, and I am up and down from my computer monitoring them and breaking up fights as needed!
Take a shower and get put together for the day.
Leave to get Emmalie from Kindergarten. I've been trying to walk the route at least once daily, it's about 3/4mi to the school. When we get home it's lunch time!
I know what your thinking - "The day is half over and she hasn't touched her sewing machine!" I'm getting there :)
As soon as Owen has finished his lunch he goes down for a nap. While Emmalie and Sophia go outside to play. I throw in a load of laundry or two, maybe unload the dishwasher, (or have Em) and pull out whatever project I am working on. While I work, I am back and forth to the window checking to make sure that the girls are ok outside. If they don't go outside they are usually coloring at the table, writing their letters, or practicing scissor skills.
The table can turn into this very easily - :)
During this afternoon time I also balance our checking accounts and edit pictures for blog posting. I use picasa, a basic and FREE program :) I am usually back and forth to the computer looking at emails as they come in as well.
3:00 pm
We leave to go get Ella from school and run errands if needed. The school is just past the grocery store, and there's a UPS store right there too if I need to mail something.
We return home for more snacks and playtime! I keep lots of bananas, apples, and carrots on hand to fill in the gaps between meals - but Cheetos are their favorite :)
I usually finish up what I had pulled out earlier, I just leave the kitchen a mess and hope that Joe doesn't come home while I'm gone! Owen doesn't yet play outside without mommy or daddy watching, so he stays in while the sisters go out and run around again. We feel it is SO important for kids to have a chance to run and play - especially for Ella, after sitting at school all day! Owen has gotten pretty good at entertaining himself in the last 6 months, with toys, coloring or unloading a drawer or sock bin, but he has sat on my lap while sewing bits together plenty!
Quick clean up and dinner preparations. It is getting dark between 4:30 and 5:00 now so the girls come in and help me blitz the house. We vacuum and sweep as necessary (I could sweep twice a day!) After they help me I let them watch some cartoons to help settle them down after being outside with friends. If the dishwasher wasn't unloaded earlier it is now, and dirties are added back in.
Dinner and family time. Ella does her homework after dinner, it usually takes her about 15 minutes, then we read books or play upstairs in their rooms. Have baths and showers too when needed.
Jammie time for the kiddos :) They get a quick snack before bed usually, brush teeth and use the restroom. I often load the rest of dinner dishes in the dishwasher at this point.
It's bed time for the younger 3. I about collapse on the couch after they are in bed, but usually get a second wind in a few minutes! Often times I have set myself up to work on the next steps of my project, earlier in the day. If so - I pull out my project and settle in to see what is on the dvr with Joe. Usually I am pinning pieces together or pressing my seams while the tv is on. The other alternative is folding the laundry that I put off earlier in the day :)
Ella goes to bed at the very latest, we wait for the others to fall asleep before she goes up. It has made for a much quieter and less frustrating bedtime, for Joe and I, lately. I check in on the computer again, write a post if my brain is working.
10:30- 11:30
Joe and I head to bed. Before bed I always, load and run the dishwasher, and make coffee for the morning. I love waking up and having the coffee waiting for me - that's a good start!
Every day is a little different, and some days more productive than others, but I mostly work with the little bits of time that I have and make the most of it!
I've heard that some of you would like to read how others spend their days too! Add your name and blog post to the linky - I will leave it open for a week if you want to join.
I hope that this post hasn't been too long, or overly wordy for you!
Blessings ~
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It is just perfect. I like to read how you girls can fit in all the wonderful projects in your daily life. I won't be putting mine because first I work 8 to 5 and I don't have any children. so by ten after dinner with parents and cleaning up, I can just go upstairs and work on whatever I'm working on.
Wow...I forgot how busy a house can be with little people! With boys who are 13 & 17, they are pretty self sufficient, most of the time...I still drive one to school and dole out gas $$ for the other. As for the Hubby, well he is always ribbing me about regulation bedtime never being before 10:45-11:00!! It's always fascinating to get a glimpse at someone else's routine, thanks for sharing! ~Andrea
wow! I don't know how you do it all! I am exhausted reading about your day.
I'm so impressed how much you get done every day with four children! You AMAZE me! :)
I'm amazed that you find ANY time to sew, let alone organize BQF!. How do you find time to shop for fabric? Um, I mean food....
okay, I linked and blogged about my daily life and now I leave a comment :-)
Whew! Now I need a nap -- you're a busy, busy girl Amy!
wow, did you post this at 4AM? you are a whirlwind of activity! it's so lovely to hear about your day and see how much you love your family! it's cool to see how your table evolves throughout the day!
I'm a little jealous that your school day starts so late! We have to be in the car at 7:30am in order to get to school on time. I usually save all the clean up for the end of the day too!
Reading this makes me a little wistful for when my girls were younger... As exhausting as it was, I sort of miss that full to the brim, squeeze the most out of every minute day to day life. Sounds like you have a great time and are enjoying every one of those terrific minutes!
I love seeing how other people organise their days. I'm planning on doing one of these but - whooops - I've clicked on Mr. Linky by mistake! There's no post yet and he's taking you to my quilt festival post. Can you delete it, Amy? Blonde moment!!
sorry, half of my comment seems just to have disappeared...
you are busy! it is so comforting to know that mums on the other side of the world cope the same way as we do here in Hungary :-)
thanks for being interested in our lives. I am becoming more and more curious about our quilting "community", and this is a lovely way to get to know each other.
I adore your work and you inspire me so. Thanks
We only managed to have one child, but I felt at 100% capacity when she was little - I don't know how you manage to do all you do with four! I do know that the faster you move the faster time goes by - these days with your children will be a source of wonderful memories before you know it. Good luck with the potty training - this is a great photo to mortify your son with when he is older!
Thanks for telling us about your day. I am glad you get a few moments in there to quilt.
this makes me feel like i have a very simple life.. and i guess i do. congrats on getting as much done as you do with as many responsibilities as you have!!
hope the potty training goes well! mine took MONTHS to potty train. but i think we are finally done. to which i say a big huge HURRAH!!!
hope the potty training goes well! mine took MONTHS to potty train. but i think we are finally done. to which i say a big huge HURRAH!!!
I loved reading about your busy mom day : )
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