I spent a bit of time going through my flickr contacts and groups in my reader over the weekend. (Probably 1500 images!) A few favorites jumped out at me and I thought I would share --
1. Color Wheel Mini Quilt, 2. DQS8 #1 "Think Spring", 3. Turquoise Circles Quilt Front by Peppermint Pinwheels, 4. Work Quilt #2, 5. bw hand quilt, 6. a quilt for a new baby, 7. Rainbow Quilt, 8. DQS8 progress, 9. Dorset Quilt, 10. The Gobstopper Quilt, 11. Pinwheel quilt, 12. Footballs of Destiny
Created with fd's Flickr Toys
Created with fd's Flickr Toys
I also have a favor to ask. I need help naming my quilts for my book. My creativity seems to cease when looking at my modern simple quilts - that I LOVE. Any suggestions would be welcome :) I know it's difficult without seeing them - sorry!
Happy Monday!
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Sunshine Lolly Pop
A Worm In The Sun
Going Round and Round
Delicate Love
Of course, I have no idea what you quilts look like that you'd like names for. LOL HUGS!
I love other people's mosaics.
Thanks for sharing!
Sigh...I love quilts! They never get old!
Coming from a girl with a quilt named Footballs of Destiny I'm not sure how much help I can be!
Thanks for including me in your favourites, twice!
those are great. I do not do well with naming quilts, either. I'll try to think of ideas for ya though.
I love that last quilt, 'footballs of destiny'. I am really bad with coming up with names so I am not even going to try.
I was reading a Nancy Crow book last night - you could go like that and just name them with numbers! I think Denyse Schmidt does a great job of naming her quilts, though. Since you're naming a quilt and not a pattern, you can name it using the colors you've used - and tying in the shapes, using themes from nature are also all great for modern quilts.
andrea baker's names cracked me up. I always wanted to be the person who names the paint colors. Until I actually tried thinking of names. It's hard. But really cool when the perfect name pops into your head. Actually, going to the store and looking at paint chip names might not be a bad idea as a starting point....
I love#4! I might call it patches since it was inspired by patchwork quilts.
Great collage of quilts. I usually name quilts in relation to their destination or inspiration but love the paint colours idea - I won't use a paint if I don't like the name even if I like the colour, how sad is that? What about the names of OPI nail varnishes, they are briliiant, maybe they would inspire you! "Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It", "Black Cherry Chutney", "Over the Taupe" are some of my favourites! www.opi.com (no affiliation)
very lovely finished projects
Great mosaic! I am bad at names, but what about sweetwater, laughing circles, and purple sunshine? oh, well....
Mad Love on a Ferris Wheel
Across the Pond
Such a Square
Club Soda on the Rocks
Hope you like my random names and I sincerely hope they match your quilts!
Laughter on the porch
Wine in the Hot Tub
Coziness by the Fireplace
Always love looking at collages of quilts. Good luck naming your quilts, I'm not very good at this game, but my daughter is great at it, she's study to be an english teacher.
Love the tree on the top row-but they are all beautiful : )
I love other people's mosaics.
Work from home India
these are beautiful! I'm faving these! hmm quilt names... I'll have to think on that...
I was just link jumping, with the search term "wheel of chance" and ended up here...and there was a picture of one of my quilts here! Wow!!! I tend to take the easy route of naming my quilts based on the colors and the traditional block name. Kind of predictable, but descriptive! P.S. I love your collages and thanks for making my day!
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