I've caught up on my reader a little bit this week, one item that was brought to my attention is V's block collection effort. She needs as many of these sweet house blocks as possible by April 30th, and she's worked out a giveaway for participants too. (I know how much you love fabric!)
The blocks will be made into quilts, for a non-profit organization in New York - the need is real and our help is a tangible way to reach out. V has instructions for the blocks - just round up some scraps and make up one, or two, or ten! Thanks in advance :)
I got a call on Thursday - April 30th is my extended deadline for two more quilts. We are packing 14 patterns in! I'm honestly excited and exhausted with this turn of events. And so the book saga continues, at a slightly slower pace :)
Don't forget to enter the giveaway here! I've had so much fun reading everyone's childhood favorites - the variety is amazing. Good luck to all of you, I will shut it down Sunday evening and announce a winner Monday morning!
And, I bought my first domain today! I'm having to switch away from parkcitygirl, as it was registered to the city of Park City, but I'm happy with my solution. Any guesses as to the name? I think there's big hint. . .
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umm - Amy's Creative Side? :-)
And yeah for 14 quilts - wow! Can't wait to see the book!
I like Amy's suggestion, otherwise I have no idea. Looking forward to your book!
You have no idea how I am looking forward to your book! Eek! How exciting you bought your domain!
Thank you Amy! I'm so excited by all the houses, and ALL the quilts I will be making for them...
Well! You have been busy indeed! I like "your creative side"! That's why we all pop over to see what your up too! ;-)
I would have to go with "Amy's Creative Side", too. I noticed the change in your header and wondered... So excited about your book!
Is it "Amy's Creative Side"? I'm excited for you and love to watch everything develop!
Congrats on the new domain and the book! Can't wait to see them both.
I like the new look to your blog!
Love the new name - congratulations on this exciting progression in your quilty career, not to mention the book!
Oh my you bought a domain - and 14 quilts - lots of excitement around here! Be sure to hang onto your domain name - I let mine lapse to my everlasting regret. It now belongs to an ADULT site, yikes!!!!!
I like what you have done to your blog. Can't wait for the release of your book.
I really like how your blog looks now. I like your new improved title banner too.
the banner is fantastic...a great pic!
Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Can't wait to see your new book. Glad to hear you have a bit more time!
I like the new look! Excited for the changeover for you! and all the book stuff! :)
I think Vicki's cause is wonderful, something everyone can do and help with.
Great new name! :-) Have a happy week!
Hmmmmm.....maybe "City Girl"?
Woot! Another 2 quilts - woohoo! Yay for you!
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