Are you ready!? How will you challenge yourself this week?
I don't want you to be stressed out about this challenge, but I do hope to MOTIVATE you. Finish something, start something, just don't be overwhelmed by everything - One Thing! You decide, what's reasonable for you to get done in a weeks time, and tell me your goal in the comments. Next Tuesday, I will have a linky and you can link to your blog/flickr post,
and show off your met goal!
**For those of you that meet your goal, you will be entered to win:
An Origins Charm Pack, courtesy of Natalia @ Piece N Quilt - Thanks Natalia!!
Personally, my goal for the week....Finish quilting my Dresden plates. I have a plan, threads selected, I just need to sit down and do it! I'm guessing there's a few of you that can relate...:)

Post a button and tell your friends - hopefully we can all check one thing off of our list!
Happy Creating~
PS ~ My blog is going to have some downtime on Wednesday - major upgrades!
Don't panic, I'll be back :)
---------------------------------------------------PS ~ My blog is going to have some downtime on Wednesday - major upgrades!
Don't panic, I'll be back :)
Next steps:
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I so need this challenge! I'm already participating in the OPAM (one project a month) challenge, but I always seem to put my projects off until the end of the month. This challenge you're doing is great because it gives me baby steps to reach my one big end-of-month goal.
So, my goal for this week is to bind my "Home and Family" quilt. I want to show it in our local quilt show in a few weeks, but I hate binding and generally put it off until the day before!
My goal for this week is to finish up the top for my newest flying geese wall-hanging. I've been having weird issues with it, and the thing seems to have a mind of its own. I had an over-all plan, but then it decides it wants to be something else.
Thanks for the opportunity. My goal this week is to baste a blue/white top so I can start handquilting it (stitch in the ditch).
What a great way to motivate Amy, this week I aim to finish piecing my ORB Pinwheels top. I already have a quilt on the frame so it would a little too ambitious to hope to have it quilted and finished in that time, but we will see. I'll be happy with the top!
Oh man, I'd love to say that I could finish my quilt-top by the end of the challenge, but instead I'll go with the much more sensible goal of cutting all my pieces. : ) Thanks for the kick in the pants!
This week I WILL put the last two strips on the quilt I have been making for my bed...for two years!
This week, I will (try to)quilt and bind my rocket ship baby quilt for a baby shower on Saturday!'s a matter of inclination when I sit down at the machine, so my goal is to either piece my wonky pinwheel top OR assemble the duffle bag that I've already cut out.
Let's all get to work! :)
I'll play! I hope to bind one of the quilts that came back from the longarmer. I'll have to dust one off, but I'm going to do it!
Ok, I'll play. I need to make two tablerunners for my guild's silent auction. When does the week start?
Good timing! I have so much on my to-do list I am feeling overwhelmed. This will help me stay organized.
I am going to sew together my hexies quilt top (and maybe even piece the backing)!
Hi, Amy! Such a great idea.... My goal for this week is to complete the remake of my friend's well loved but totally (I mean TOTALLY) shot quilt - it's going from an apple core pattern to a coins quilt. I've had it sitting around in various states of disassembly since January - but I really want to deliver it to her this coming Sunday!
This is good for me. I want to get all of my patches sewn for a quilt I've been wanting to make for a friend for a really long time!
my goal is to catch up on your quilt along .... which is 4 squares (got 1 done yesterday...) AND to start a NEW quilt top , haven't decided exactly what yet ..... thanks for this challenge !!!!
My goal is to get the binding put on my blue flying geese quilt. Just got it quilted last night!
My goal is to finish the skirt I started for my daughter back in, oh, February. I got so frustrated with it that I put it aside and then I just keep putting off finishing it!
My goal for this week is to finish my kids' placemats!! They've been sitting just waiting for over a week...and I need to get crackin'. They need to be quilted and bound :) We'll see.....
I am going to finish hand quilting a lap quilt I started on last month. I was doing really good until husband got sick and had to spend a week in hospital in ICU and 6 weeks off work. It has been stressful financially and mentally and physically. His kidneys had shut down and they had to do dialysis on him, thought he would not make it. He did though! Went back to work today. Hopefully we will be able to catch everything up soon. Will you guys all keep us in your prayers?
Tracy Dawson
I'm going to quilt and start on the binding for this quilt:
Finishing the binding would be super but I'm being realistic here!
My goal is to make 2 blocks of my quilt store's BOM - I am way behind!
I want to finish a baby quilt for our soon to be born son! Thanks for the inspiration!
My goal is to get caught up on my blocks for the quilt along and then get the pieces that I have ALREADY cut of partically sewn for my sons quilt sewn together. Doing these two things will clean off my kitchen breakfast bar. Yea!
I like this, one thing at a time. No stress, just productivity! I'm going to finish my hexagon hot pad thats been languishing away since Father's Day.
This week I WILL finish machine quilting and bind a baby quilt for my best friend. Her baby is 5 months old! I feel terrible. This is just the motivation I need!! Thanks Amy!
I need this challenge. I have so many ufos I can't even count them. So my challenge for this week is to put together the mod quilt top I have on my design wall.
Hi Amy, I plan on at least starting a lined bowling shirt for my grandson. I know it's not a quilt, but it's promised, so I need to get it done! I hope to finish it, also....8-)
This will work for me! I might not be able to make something every week but it will sure be a wonderful challenge to try. Thanks for hosting this Amy.
I plan on machine quilting and binding my nephew's quilt this week! :)
So much fun Amy! :) I can't wait to see your blog upgrade!!
I have been working on Denyse Schmidt's Single Girl quilt (queen sized) for our bed. My goal is to finally get those circles stitched to each other. Thanks for the incentive!
I am so on this. I am going to finish up my two quilt challenge quilts.
My goal is to cut and put together the top of the Modern Sweets quilt from the Sugar Art Gallery fabrics. It's large triangles, so it should be quick. I really need to get something finished!!
My "1 Thing" goal for this week is to finish Colleen's block for the NewBee quilting bee.
Thanks for the challenge Amy! I challenge myself this week to finish my Mini Margaret purse! I plan on doing a bit more then that, but that is my one challenge this week!
I'm in. My goal for the week is make two more cushions for my patio chairs to complete the set of four.
My goal is to get my plume quilt quilted.
My goal is to finish the center of the all stash schnibbles quilt I started 2 weeks ago.
My goal is to FINISH the babyquilt for my niece. It started with some nicey jane fabric, scraps and a few pink recycles baby sheets.
Okay - my challenge to myself is to catch up on your quilt-a-long. I had some family issues that got me behind, so now I have six squares to make to catch up! Yikes! I can do it!
Oh! I need this challenge! I hope to complete (start to finish) a sun dress for my 8 year old so she can take it for her week @ grandmas this weekend!
Wow, that seems like a lot. Better get busy.
Yay~! Thanks for the fun! :)
Finish the Cotton Blossoms MOM Flimsy, Sandwich BOTH Cotton Blossom quilts, quilt BOTH quilts.
I am ready!! I know you said just 1 thing but I have a couple of small things that need to be done by a Birthday party on Sunday. I will get those done regardless so I want to commit myself to finishing a baby quilt top and quilting it ...I can do it!! Thanks for the challenge and good luck with you Dresden plates :o).
Thanks for the challenge! I want to finish the quilt top on my Crooked Coins quilt. I've been putting it off and keep starting other projects. I'm going to do it!
Hopefully this will force me to finally finish the "bad luck baby quilt" I started almost 3 years ago.
After completing a quilt in one week last week I'll keep this simple. I'm going to teach my neice how to sew by herself (so she can while I'm not there). Teaching her the basics of the machine, and bobbin winding etc. So she can set up shop at home (300miles away). :) I think we can manage this goal! I'll post pictures of our progress!
I am making a baby quilt and need to decide ASAP on the pattern. My goal is to cut and assemble the top for your challenge. I know I can do it!!!
I accept your challenge. I need a deadline for two bags that I am making for my Aunt. Thank you Amy for keeping us motivated.
This week I am going to finish the stars and stripes quilt top that I am piecing. Fourteen blocks done. Ten blocks to go.
This week I am going to finish the shirt I started from "Crochet Adorned" by making the fabric bottom and sewing it all together. I don't have a blog, but would be happy to send a pic via email if that's okay.
i'm planning to finish my Doll quilt swap quiltie!
Amy would you be so kind as to explain how to put the button on the side bar....
My daughter-in-law said Reagan (my granddaughter) needs diaper covers for 4 dresses she got at consignment sale. I am going to get all 4 done!
I want to complete a doll quilt I started...borders, quilting and binding!
Challenges get results. At present I have 3 quilts almost quilted, almost done with binding and too many quilts started to mention. This week I need to finish the binding on a quilt and send it off to the newlyweds that I made it for.I don't have a blog or flicker account but thanks for the challenge. Mary Jo
My goal for this week is to make the top of a quilt from Boy Scout panel & fabric. .
My goal is to finish up the dinosaur quilt with all the flying geese I talked about on my blog.
This is a great idea.
I would like to get at least one of the three ABC quilts That I am in the middle making complete. Just getting the blocks joined and sashed into a top this week would be wonderful!
My goal is to complete a quilt top I started for my daughter. It's not much but with a super busy week my goal might be a stretch.
My goal is to finish my last few blocks for a queen size quilt, iron the lot and sew the top together. Thanks for the challenge.
Love it!
This week, I will finish a doll quilt top and get caught up on my SSQA.
My goal is to get my 2 Bee Blocks done for July. Thanks for the challenge.
Yes, I need this callenge: I have a binding "phobia" - and it takes me forever to get them done. Now V from Bumblebeans needs quilts - and I challenge myself to get the Cowboy Circle Around finally bound for her/ BASICS this week. Ok, the clock's ticking....
Thanks for the challenge!
No problem. I'm currently obsessed with a quilt made up of circles and modern log cabin squares all on a Kona Coffee background. Every time I pass my work table I convince myself I have time for "just one quick block" and then forget to get up again! So I don't even want to work on anything else right now (two quilts to layer and quilt, two more to finish binding, a charm pack to sew up...)!
I think this challenge will motivate me to set my own self imposed "finish something each week" deadline. My goal for the challenge is to finish the zigzag quilt that I started with your quiltalong last year!! I know, I know I am so naughty!! Hasn't stopped me buying more fabric though!! Thanks for the motivation Amy.
this is great, I get overwhelmed way to easy. My goal for this week is to finish laying out my quilt top and start to sew it together.
My goal for this next week is to finish the quilt I'm making for my 6th grandchild, due in August. I've got a little more hand quilting to do and I'll be all done!
my goal this week is to finish the bag I am making for a friend's birthday.
I, Cindy do committ to completing one thing in one week...this week I will finish the binding on a small baby quilt.
I posted my "Before" Picture of the Cross-Stitch I have been wanting to finish for 3+years. I also posted what it is to look like finished...Good Luck to everyone on getting there projects done....Lucy
I hope to get my doll quilt finished - trying out my new Juki machine with its quilting walking foot and then the binding! Originally posted the top about 2 months ago - I know that's not that long ago but it will still be great to get it finished!
Wonderful idea! How often are you planning to run this challenge, Amy?
In one week, I want to finish quilting and binding this wall-hanging that I'm giving to a friend who just bought her first house.
Such a cool idea! My goal for this week is to get caught up with my quilting bee, which includes making the June and July blocks, and sending out my fabrics and instructions for my block which is for August.
finish the gazebo on the RR i have... and vend a the Hershey Quilt show.. come visit me!
I am finishing my mil's quilt this week...its do or die...LOL
This is such a good idea. I tend to get distracted by all the ideas and UFO's floating around. So, for this week, my goal is to finish one of the baby quilts I am working on; it needs a little more quilting and the binding.
I love the idea of finishing projects. I am going to challenge myself to finish binding my granddaughter's "snuggly" quilt this week!
Finish my Cats & Bats quilt, and get a baby quilt cut out.
My goal is to start and finish my quick little blanket for my son. Here's for hoping...
Thanks Amy!
My goal is to piece the rest of the blocks for a surfer circle around quilt I'm making! (And I'd love to get them all put together as a top too!)
My goal this week is to complete the 2 blocks for week 5's quilt a long and to finish 3 blocks for Liz's August's blocks [Scraptastic Bee]
My goal is to get the flimsy together for my Bliss Between Friends quilt.
my goal is to get the quilt top for my brand new girlie girl (my newest granddaughter) done. i'm using ivory spring's marabella pattern. so excited that it's coming together and as cute as i'd hoped. using different materials/colors than hers, but love the design.
Amy, this is such a good idea. I came home from vacation and started getting anxious about completing all my started projects... finally this morning realized I need to FOCUS and this is a great help. I am going to finish quilting and binding my circle quilt this week! (and make 6 blocks for my guild charity project too)
Yeah I am so glad that you are doing this!!!
My challenge is to finish my bee blocks. I can usually finish the blocks in one evening but it's a long evening so that is my goal! :D
my goal is to finish at list one quilt top!
My goal for this week is to finish the knitted tee I'm working on, so that I can start on my Christmas projects (yup, I said the C word!)
Count me in! I've got too many quilts I need to have done by the holidays (or sooner), so this will help.
My goal: Finish at least the top of the I Spy quilt for a friend's daughter.
I'm sorry that I'm a bit late joining this challenge...been a real busy time at work...sigh...which realllllly gets in the way of my quilting! I want to finish my Schnibbles quilt for JUNE! ACK! Better late than never, right???? Polly from
My guild has their annual show coming up on the 31st and I REALLY want to have something to show oh so badly! All I gotta do is sandwich, quilt, and bind my first ever full sized quilt. I think that is managable and I needed the motivation so this challenge is the bee's knees!!! See ya in a week!
Thanks Amy, I need a challenge to get some things done! What to choose first?? I will finish sewing the blocks together for 2 child's quilts - all cut and sitting on the floor for me to trip over and/or mess up the setting. Thanks for the push!
Hi Amy,
I've got a massive list!DH thinks I need the motivation,so first of all I will complete the 1st quilt I ever started that has now been 7 years in the making.Tonight I shall make a list of all that needs finishing.
Georgie x
Finish piecing my Peace and Patience Quilt (make with Lilly & Will jelly roll). Thanks for the motivation.
what a great challenge!
I've got a nearly finished quilt which needs to be done by sunday for my godson's baptism - so that's my challenge!
I love this idea, Amy!
My One Thing for this week: make a bunch of prairie points and get them basted onto my quilt top.
I'll finish my Kaffe dresdan and sew it on its background. Note: I didn't say quilt and bind. Just do the next 2 steps.
OK- here goes. First one thing- finish my Sweet Pea bag for the pattern cover.
Well I failed the challenge badly for this week,due to my little girl being poorly.If your interested you can read all about it on my blog.
Georgie x
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