We got down there this morning with the masses - it didn't quite work out as planned but we still had a great IHOP breakfast (a real treat) and good family time. Later, we have a bbq planned, and fireworks in the evening in town. We have gone to a golf course driving range ever since we moved here. The kids are able to run around until it gets dark and then we wait for the show! That reminds me - we need glow sticks for tonight - identifiers for the kids. . .
Enjoy your day - Amy
Edited to add: I almost forgot! My quilt top, as far as I got yesterday. . . I need to sew it together I just laid it out to see where I was at. My goal was to use as much of the fabric as possible, and I only have 4 little squares left! I will get a better picture when it is together.
Have fun tonight! Love ya
Sound like you all had a fun day. Love the quilt top.
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