Coldstone icecream cake--
Owen eating it --
From my little vegetable patch - I know most in the US are already eating from their gardens or getting really close! Here in the mountains if I plant too early the frost gets it - this is the usual weekend for the seeds to go in! They were planted today :)
Joe and I got to go out for dinner on Saturday -- we had a great night on our own. And look what I found while browsing Barnes & Noble! Love all the eye candy in this book.
By birthday fabric! You guessed it :)
I'm hoping to make a summer quilt for our bed, through Dana's quilt-along!
That's all for now - this is our last week of school and it's a full week!
Blessings -
FUN weekend! Love the fabric! and that book. I need some quiet time at the bookstore.
oh and that cake. mmmmmmm.
What a great birthday!
Sounds like a perfect weekend to me! I love your pile. :)
Looks like a great weekend to me!!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your fabric pile - can't wait to see what you make from it! And thanks for the reminder to get my seeds in, yikes. I THINK it's going to stay warm enough now, lol.
Cute kids, birthday date, a great find and fun fabric = happy birthday!
You DID have a great weekend! Cake, book and fabric!!!
Happy Birthday Amy! It was my birthday on the weekend too! Lurve the fabric you scored! Lovely!!!
I love that book - you'll have fun with that one! And Coldstone cake - yum!! The fabric looks fantastic - perfect choices!
Happy Birthday! We can't plant in Central Ohio until Mother's Day weekend and we can still have some frost.
What a terrific birthday weekend! We are like you with plantings, no where close to any kind of harvest. You made out well with the book and fabric. I also just purchased that book this week and love it!
it sure does look like a perfect weekend!
Amy - your birthday cake looks yummy. I have enjoyed for weeks and weeks the quilt festival and thank you for setting it up. I am not good with the tec end of things and would like to find out why the "list" disappears from time to time - get a box with alot of computer code. I am only on 237 and have a ways to go. So is this box thing my computer that is failing to load the information correctly? or is it something on the blog end? On another note: would love to "mark" these entries but know it is crazyness to ask my computer to do so.... is there a way I could "list" all these blog spots to have for later? my email is Thanks - enjoy the week - it will not be the last week of school for 3rd grade or 5th grade ever again.
Glad you had a great birthday. The kids look like they loved there weekend. I like that fabric you picked out. How much more did you get to make that quilt along quilt a queen. I like that idea. I may consider copying that plan for myself. OH, I'm so excited I did it I tryed free motion quilting. Hopefully I will get it on my blog later today. If I can figure it out. I quilted a whole baby quilt.
Do we ever know who enjoyed that bday cake? Chuckle! TTFN~ Marydon
A great weekend indeed -- looks like you had a wonderful time! Yummy fabric and book. Our gardens just went in here this weekend too -- about 2 weeks late this year -- it's been so rainy and cold!
Happy Birthday, Amy. I'm just getting my plants in, too. I love this time of year.
Glad you had such a great weekend. You deserve it friend.
Happy Birthday Amy! Looks like you had a GREAT weekend:) That cake looks amazing, yum! I have that book on order right now, SO excited to get it:) Awesome fabrics too-WOW!
You can keep the book, i'll take all that Tina Givens!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you! Mine was on Saturday. I didn't get a cake, but I got a hot date with my Hubby. I'm not complaining.
Yummy fabric!
A perfect weekend!! HappyBirthday again...that cake looks so delicious, I love icecream cake! We're about the same in gardening mode. It's finally safe to plant here, and things are just peeking out. It's funny you posted that Material Obsession book - I just had it in my hands at chapters( our barnes and noble) this morning!!
I'm doing the quiltalong, too! it'll be fun quilting together. love those bday pics!!
So happy to have found your blog. Great inspiration! Just starting in the quilting world and having way to much fun. Just wish the Big Island of Hawaii had more fabric options.
Happy birthday! I just realized I am one year older than you.:) It looks like you had a wonderful day, and I love that stack of fabric just waiting for the wonderful possibilities. We just planted tomatoes two weeks ago. It wasn't warm enough at night until then. Happy gardening and sewing!
Happy Belated Birthday!
We just got our veggie garden in here, too.
Happy B-lated Birthday!
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