Over last weekend I took a few pictures of the fall colors on the mountain side - I love this time of year! I'm so glad I got to take them because today it's snowing, and most of the leaves will probably be gone. These pics have a date stamp on them - I don't know how to take them off of the little camera :(

We are having spaghetti and homemade bread for dinner! The perfect finish for a cold day :)
I hope you are warm and loved where you are~
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Spaghetti? That is seriously my all-time favorite meal. Love your pictures of those fall colors - the reds really show up. Oh yeah, I love snow so it's fun seeing it, but darn, isn't it just a little early? Hope you enjoyed your dinner!
Beautiful Fall colors! I can't wait until our leaves start turning here in CA! Thanks for sharing a bit of Fall and enjoy the delicious sounding dinner.
I have to agree, the mountains are gorgeous! I was driving down provo canyon on Saturday just staring at the beautiful colors!
Be glad that you are into fall already! Those of us in Arizona are still experiencing triple digits...I love your amazing pictures of the fall colors!
Unbelievable, it is still September! Stay warm!
our fall was real short too. might be snow this weekend, but I really hope not. time for some warm winter meals..no more grilling!
Snow? Wow, I always thought we were early in October.
PS We had spaghetti tonight too! With homemade roasted tomatoe sauce.
Snow already? Holy cow!
The leaves here are turning too and it's so beautiful... thankfully no snow yet!
oh my goodness....snow!!! that sounds so perfect. what a beautiful view you have where you live
Snow already? That just seems wrong.
I am hoping that the snow stays away until at least November. Crossing fingers.....:)
Beautiful fall colors. You should take a photo with all the snow and the colorful trees. My dad took a picture once with the snow on the trees as they were just at their peak, it was very pretty.
WOW, Amy! Those are breath-taking!!! I am so jealous!! It is still pretty hot here - in the upper 70's - and I am just awaiting the fall winds to come. I hope you enjoyed your dinner - sounded yummy!!
Sheesh! That is a brief fall :) We had a "sundowner" today on the SoCalif coast with higher temps in the late afternoon as the sun went down and warm wind coming from east. Someday I hope it rains again....
Enjoy your fall meal!
Snow already? Is that normal weather for your area? Our trees are just turning here, and we have recently enjoyed a little weak late sunshine, but the rain is coming and warnings of frost approaching! Brrrr, spaghetti sounds perfect! Enjoy!
I love those autumn colours. Our trees are pretty impressive - must get out with my camera too. Frost forecast for tonight but no sign of snow thank goodness, although I love it if I can stay in and sew by the fire! Must move some plants in from the garden :)
Ohmygosh, it seems so EARLY! Good luck with winter LOL!
Beautiful pictures! The spaghetti sounds so cozy!
Fall does not last long in Utah! I remember waking up in September/October to all of a sudden have snow on the mountains. I miss it!
Pretty pictures of your fall colors. You can keep the snow. The homemade bread sounds amazing.
Amy, you live in such a beautiful place! Can't believe it's snowing though . . . can I come to supper, I love spaghetti too.
Thanks for your comment and your prayers for my cousin Lisa. It means so much to me. (And I know God listens to you.) :)
Wow. Pretty, pretty pictures. Love the one of the snow on the back of Timp. I saw it from the front. :) So glad we drove the canyons on Monday!
The pictures are so gorgeous! I really appreciate your sharing them...we don't have such beautiful leaves with gorgeous colors here!
That's so beautiful!! No snow here yet, but we had frost, and the winter coats are out. Hope you're having a fantastic week...
You say snow and I say shorts! Last couple of days it's been 100 degrees and today it's finally cooling down to high 80's. But I am so jealous, you have snow. Enjoy the weather!!
*is jealous* we don't have any views like that here in southern New Jersey. It's so beautiful.
Now there are some inspiring color combinations for your quilt projects...course your plate of spaghetti probably was too. Snow flurries in a hurry to bring winter into view..
The photo of the beautiful colors on the hills is wonderful, but snow!! I'm glad I live in NC!
I added your quilt festival button to my side bar. I just tried it now but when I click onit it takes me to your most recent post not the one about the actual event.
Gorgeous photos...makes me really, really miss the west!
Wow! These photos are gorgeous!! It is so lovely there!
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