color wheel inspiration post started me on an adventure! As I usually buy fabric per project, I don't have a stash to collect color samples from, so I went searching for fabric online. My quick realization was that I could not afford to purchase the fabric needed, even for a small quilt. So my next thought was floss! I found a group of embroidery hoops for cheap on ebay, with a 16" hoop in it, and snatched it up. I searched for color wheel groups of floss online, but that is really hard to do on the computer.

So I happened to go to JoAnn's the weekend it was on sale, and spent around $12 for a full color spectrum in floss, and a color wheel! An actual
color wheel has 12 colors typically, I added a few variations of the colors to stretch my idea.

I'm pretty excited about this, the texture is amazing! I love having a project for tv time, especially this
time of year, as the nights are longer, and the snuggle cozy time is here.

I used the full set of 6 strands, and just did what ever stitch I wanted to!

Joe had to talk me down from a less random version and I'm so glad he did! There's a few spots I would like to fill in a little more, and make a few of the transitions less noticeable. But overall I'm super happy with it. I'm still trying to decide if it will stay on the hoop to be hung, or if I should attempt to make it into something more. I'm open to suggestions if genius strikes you :)

Did I mention that it's 16 inches across? It is a big hoop! I have a couple of smaller hoops that I'm thinking about doing another version with too, maybe just 12 colors this time. . . I'll let you know when that happens!
I also thought I should mention --
Hand Embroidery Network has been posting a
stitch a day if you are interested in learning to stitch. They have great pictures and instructions. I would also say that learning is best with a needle and thread in hand :)
So what do you think!? Is this something you might try? Maybe we could stitch together? I'd be happy to share DMC numbers if you are interested.
I gotta run, load the dishwasher and get ready for the evening with the family. I hope you and yours are blessed today~
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That is so pretty! What a neat idea!
Fabulous project! I love what you came up with!
Wow Amy -- that's really cool! What if you quilted it and made a little wallhanging for your room?
Love this - what a super creative idea!!!
What a great project. I'd leave it in the hoop and hang that on the wall. I just did my first ever chain stitching last night. I've only ever done cross stitch beofr, so it was nice to learn something different. I'll post a pic on my blog later.
It is gourgeous. What if you made blocks and then put them all together to make a quilt. I would love if you shared the DMC numbers. or if we could all make a project toghether.
That is so fricken cool!
And I vote that you keep it in the hoop. That presentation contributes to the overal impact.
Very cool. I also appreciate the insight on the stitch a day site.
I say EAT it!! Oh....guess it isn't the world's biggest sprinkle donut!! You can see I am hungry!!
That is so cool...I vote for keep it in the hoop but sandwich it with batting and backing and quilt something really cool in the middle with white thread!! It would be really neat if you could find a bigger hoop and quilt the outside edge too....oh...the possibilites!!
At first glance I thought you had used beads.....oh....beads....that would look really cool with your floss too!!! A little sparkle!! See...endless possibilities!
Very cool! I think it needs some quilting too~ I like DeeRoo's ideas. :-)
It's beautiful! How about a cool pillow with rouched sides?? :D
This would make an *amazing* round pillow, with a pieced back!
I love to stitch, too, and I have been really enjoying the stitch-a-day over at HEN!
What a cool idea!
it is beautiful!! i love it!!
Love your idea, I think it looks great in the hoop. But a pillow would be cool too. I would love the DMC numbers if you are willing to share. Thanks for all the inspiration.
This is such a great way to display the color wheel, especially if your on a budget, money-wise and time-wise! I love how it looks on the embroidery hoop. I would love to try this.
Wow Amy - genius and it's absolutely gorgeous too!!
I love this! I really want to do a color wheel too...and this is just a terrific idea!
Simply stunning! I love it.
Amy, that is just fabulous. I think you should do some patchwork around it, make it a wall hanging!!
wow, and omg Amy. It is so cool look. I just want to touch it.
WOW! Amazing! Inspiring actually. I thought my cross stitch talent was going to go to waste! I might have to break out some of the floss that is hanging around in my craft area to try one of these! In my Spare Time that is! :)
That is so cool Amy! Wow! I think it would be neat to do a few variations in smaller - like the colour wheel in pastels, the colour wheel in shades.
This would make a really cute gumdrop type pillow.
So neat!
I want to run my fingers over it.
What a great project, and yes, perfect for this time of year. Thanks for sharing the stitch a day site.
Your colour wheel is beautiful, I love it. I'd love to know the threads you used. I'd either keep it in the hoop or turn it into some kind of wallhanging to hang in your craft area for reference and inspiration. Thanks for sharing your creation.
Kelly :-)
I love your color wheel. My first thought, before reading your post in it's entirety, was to make a couple of smaller color wheels and applique a collection of your color wheels to make a wall hanging, similar to Jane Sassaman's Sun and Moon quilt. Great job!
Incredible! I love the texture of it! So creative!
I LOVE this! I love the random stitches! Very very cute!!
It looks great, wonderful idea.
Amy! Wowser! What to say?! What to say?! This is adorable. I love the colours, the pattern and the texture you've created! This definitely needs to be seen and enjoyed every single day! Do you have a round table that this could become the centre piece of? LOVE!!
That is wonderful; what a great idea! I'm impressed how you managed to keep the white fabric so clean through all that stitching.
Thanks for the link to HEN, it's brilliant. Love your colour wheel too.
Very cool Amy. I love the randomness of the stitches. I think I could do that. Has it taken long??
wow! gorgeous! lots of work!
Fabulous! And yes, a little quilting would be great in the center and throughout the piece.
Love your wheel! I have not done any embroidery apart from crosstich. Just bought the doodle stitching book and am hoping to learn a couple more stitches and make some things. I have been inspired by several blogs with lovely mugwarmers and mugmats with lovely designs. So funnily enough.. I am right there stitching along with you!
Amy this is absolutely incredible! It is so beautiful! This could be adapted in a smaller size to teach color theroy in a way that uses visual and kinesthitic teaching methods.
Using floss to make your color wheel was a wonderful idea. If you ever need fabric scraps, just let me know...I am overflowing!
If it was mine, I would take it out of the hoop, applique to a black background, quilt, and then add lots of shiny beads/buttons/crystals to fill in the "white" areas. Of course, that would add more to your cost, but it would dazzle!
I love this idea. Embroidery is something I have always wanted to learn. Your color wheel is beautiful.
Awesome project! I'll have to try it!
Beautiful Amy! As an avid DMC collector, this is very inspirational to me.
This is amazing...amazing! I'm going to send this link to my friend who often posts about things that are "one in every color." She will flip! She is getting married in May and her bouquet and bridesmaids' bouquets are all made out of colorful felt and lots of embroidery stitches so she will really appreciate the "stitch a day."
I like your color wheel alot. A very neat idea.
What a cool idea! I think this would be a good art project kind of thing for my girls as it would also introduce them to more stitchery :-)
Tammy ~@~
Ohhhh, the stitch a day link is really cool! I love it!
Tammy ~@~
I absolutely love that !!!!!
That's fantastic! I've been wanting to make a color wheel project too but I also buy fabric for particular projects and don't have a stash of all the right colors to draw from. What a great, affordable solution!
Very creative and very beautiful!! I vote for leaving it on the hoop and hang it up. It's doesn't need anything else. It can stand on it's own.
Beautiful, Hon! Ombre style is where you wave the colors into each other to where you can't see a distinct line (like painting a wall; or a color wash with watercolors) that's kind of what you were looking for; looks great like it is; maybe save the lack of lines (deliniation? sp?) for another project...pillow top, hoop, any of the ideas are great. love you, Mom
really .. really .. really .. WoW!!!
Wow. I LOVE it!! I'm very tempted to add it to my list of projects that must be done soon!! Lovely work.
I love to stitch! And your color wheel is amazing!!!
Amy, WELL DONE! Very creative colorwheel! I actually don't own one (yet) and this is a fabulous idea!!! I've also never tried hand-stitcheing anything substantial... crochet seems to take up my tv-watching time. BUT now I may have to try it!! Love how it turned out!
Wow~that is spectacular. What a wonderfully, creative idea.
Amy this is SO cool! I love it!
Have you seen the color wheel quilt by Purl Patchwork? I've always wanted to try that too. Thanks for the inspiration!
Very cool! I love having handwork to sit in front of the TV. I just may have to give this a try!!
beautiful! I love it! I have wanted to make a color wheel quilt for quite a while and I think it looks great as an embroidery piece
that's really fun! your inspiration photo for the color wheel got my wheels turning. i'm hoping that i have the entire quilt top done soon.
i found you from the flickr hand embroidery network group. this is really amazing! have you thought about getting it framed? you know how some do for heirloom items? my mom did an antique doily once and also a baby dress. they looked really cool!
That's an awesome idea! Off to raid my thread stash :)
This is beautiful. I always have my colorwheel close at hand.
So awesome. Good job. The talent the living God gives to the children of men. Praise him in the name of His son. amen
Ok, I LOVE this! I have been searching online tonight for a tutuorial on how to make a quilted color wheel and your blog pops up...then I keep looking and it pops up again! I would love to know the DMC colors you used for this project! I think I need to make one...or two.
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