April 30, 2008

Happy Day

Hi again! Our date night last night was great! Park City in April is very quiet, (ski bum, USA) so many of the nice restaurants put 2 for 1 entree coupons in the local paper, and we ended up at Ghidotti's. It was a very nice dinner, with excellent service - we were one of three or four couples the two hours we were there, like I said very quiet. Joe and I had a nice time just being together and enjoying a bit of peace without our lovely kids. Owen did great without me, but was super excited when I walked in the room, and then he tested me all night, making sure I was still here. =) He's a sweet, and smart little guy.

The last few days my sewing machine has been calling out to me. So, I pulled it out again, I sew at the kitchen table. I had made a few sketches of bags a while back and decided to see what I could come up with. Bear in mind - I have never made anything without a pattern, and I don't really sketch. I was actually quite pleased with myself as I turned out two complete bags in one afternoon. I am not going to post pictures yet, but in good time, my friend. It would seem to me that I am actually gaining creativity reading blogs and perusing flickr , not only creativity but also confidence in my abilities. I am pretty excited about all of this.
Blessings - Amy


Tipper said... 1

So glad you had a nice time! Can't wait to see the bags!