I have been to gem faire but never a quilting show - there was so much to take in! We started by looking at the quilts that had been entered in the competition - so beautiful! I didn't get to take pictures of every quilt (there had to be at least 200) but I think I got around 50 photographed, they were favored by Ella or myself. Here's one of my favorites with Amy Butler fabrics - but if you click here I have put them all in my flickr account and you can check out all the beauties.
The HMQS is for the home quilter and is open to the public - with the whole quilt industry getting ready for the Quilt Market, I have been feeling a bit left out. But not anymore! We had a great first go at this Quilting Show and will have to watch for it next year. If I am able to go without kiddos then I can take in some classes and get so much more out of the whole deal! I did manage to purchase a set of fat quarters in Jane Street and started making plans for a quilt for Emmalie - I will show you pictures as I go =)
Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's!
What fun! Wish I could quilt.
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