August 21, 2008

Please Excuse My Absence

An innocent summer cold . . . has turned into a bit of a problem. Including 4 sick kids and one sick mama, just in time for Ella to start 3rd grade. :)

As we are working back into our school year routine, I feel busier than previous years and I'm hoping that things will settle here real quick!
Hope you are having a great week!


  1. Feel better soon!!
    Take it easy!

  2. So sorry you and the kiddos are under the weather...that stinks. I am praying for you

  3. i hope you all feel better soon. summer colds are the worst!!

  4. I hope you are feeling better soon! Sick kids AND sick mama are NO FUN!

  5. Oh no! Hang in there. I hope things smooth out and once the weekend comes, you all get some good rest.

  6. Hope you feel better soon. Summer colds are the worst!


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