August 18, 2008

Tiny Bits Quilt Top

I have a finish at last! I've been calling this my "Nod to Random" - what do you think?

I'm really looking forward to working on the cancer quilt - it will be a simple and hopefully quick finish :) Did I tell you that they were giving those kits away for people to just bring back? It's a great way to get people involved!

Jenna's working on her binding, with less than a week left here, I'm excited for her to see the finished product!


  1. i love it! i love the little touches of random turned squares!

  2. I would really like to try one of these. I am in the middle of crocheting a baby aphgan and as soon as I am done I am going get one of these! (and then I will hound you to help me through it all!! haha just kidding!)

  3. I love all things random. And I really love this!

  4. I totally love the random cross cross squares within this :)

  5. Just beautiful as usual!


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