For DQS, the partners are secret - it's fun as you never know who or where your quilt is coming from. I got some ideas from their favorites and slowly developed my plan. I love the end result!

I also finished a quilt for the STUD swap I signed up for this month - but need to wait to share it :) Next up - my swap blocks! I've drafted my plans, I just need to find a couple of quiet hours.
Blessings ~
That is just so pretty Amy, I love those colours - Persian jewels!
This is so adorable. Lucky person who gets it. The colors are wonderful.
Very sweet quilt! I just love the little birds.
You should be pleased as punch...terrific colors and birdies too. How could you go wrong! Love it.
I love it, the colors and pattern are so nice. I know I would love to receive one of those
How cute. I wouldn't mind having that myself. How do you get in these swaps?
That is so pretty!! I'm not in the swap but if I was that'd be something I'd love to receive!
It's pretty. I have been having to drag myself away from the computer to in order to get some quilting done - I have been looking at all the blog postings of the festival.
This quilt is awesome Amy; whoever the lucky recipient is will love it.
It is fantabulous! I absolutely love the fabric combination. I have a group of fabrics in those colours waiting to be made into a quilt for me.
I love love love these birdies!
What a great quilt! I love the fabrics you used.
This has been so much fun that it's been hard to tear myself away from looking at everyone's quilts; but I HAVE TO finish two quilts that are due tomorrow. How did you do it???
I just love it! The birds are adorable and the colors are great too. A swap like this sounds like fun.
SO CUTE! Love it! The doll that gets that one is one lucky one!!
That is so cute. I really like the material in this quilt.
Amy that is my most favorite ever...the colors...the birdies...I will email you my address so you can send it directly here to thank me for being a wonderful college roomie...LOL
It looks great! The birds are so precious! I don't know how you've found time to quilt this week! I'm still only halfway through the festival! :)
I love these birds!!! I almost feel guilty leaving you comments this week, though...'cause I know how crazy it was for me last week when I had my giveaway...and you've got double what I had!!!
this is so fun and cheery! Beautiful job!
Fun fabric. Love the blue color and the dots. The birds are pretty.
I love the little birdies! It's beautiful!
oh i ADORE this!!!! cute cute cute. wish it was coming MY way!!
I Love it! So, so cute Amy!!!
Great job! I love the colors!!!
This is gorgeous! I absolutely love it!
VERY cute Amy! The colors are just fabulous and the little birdies are so sweet!
What an adorable quilt, Amy! I love the colors and the birdies!!!
Wow, that is beautiful!!! Great job! I can't believe how you just whip those quilts out!
Amy, this is so bright and cheery!
The fabrics are adorable, the birdies are so cute and the recipient... will love it!!
That is so sweet! I love the colours. I can't believe you have time to do that with the quilt festival going on, lol! Darling!
I would love to be in the doll quilt exchange. Is that possible? How would I go about that?
Nancy quiltn4fun50@yahoo.com
Homestead Station.blogspot
I love the birds! And the colors you picked are so happy.
What a pretty quilt. I love the birds and the many colors.
~Tootles for now!
It turned out so cute! Love all the colors.
I love your little quilt and the fabrics are gorgeous...what are they?
Love it-you really are the expert quilter now!!
This is so cute. Love it!
Aww Amy, your birdie quilt is SO cute! I'm finally back in the loop (I think) and trying to catch up. You've been SOOO busy!
Really, really darling! Love the fabric and the design. Just wonderful.
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