I was reminded of when Ella went to kindergarten, Sophia was 3 months old, and Emmalie was 20 months. Thankfully Joe was a Pastor at the time, and worked from a home office. But still, it was a lot! It was also the first time that Emmalie reacted to having a new baby in the house - she wouldn't sleep, didn't want to be left alone in her crib - and so forth. It took us a week to put together all the clues she was giving us, change is hard no matter how old you are :) So glad that I have constant support in Christ! There is no way I could do it on my own.
I have nothing sewn this week to show you - but sew-n-tell is happening over at Amy's blog if you do :)
Have a great weekend~
PS - THANK YOU to everyone that signed the Flea Market Fancy Petition and voted! You guys really are the BEST!
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awww! They look so excited to start school. Is it any easier when the second one goes? That's a short day for kindergarten!
I love love love the fabrics! I'm almost inspired to go get some and start a project of my own. almost. :)
Hope you have a great first day!
Oh what a tug on the heart! She looks so much like her mama. So sweet.
Your new fabric grouping is to die for! Can't wait to see the quilt.
Have a wonderful day!
Hehe I remember being so excited for school because it meant I got to see my friends again. And I've always thought you're a brave soul for raising four beautiful kids... Bravo :)
I love this collection! Can't wait to see what you crate from it!
What cute kids! Love the little one still in the PJs. :)
I have nada sewn this week either. I have been working on quilting the monster. Should be working on it now!
happy school days! it's great that they look forward to it, isn't it?
love your fabric choices.
Ahh, first days of school. So exciting! My husband is an elementary school principal, and I don't think there is a child as excited as he is. He counts down the days till the kids come back -- not till the end of the year. Your blog reminded me of my husbands nieces, now in college. Two years apart in age. When the older sister started kindergarten, the younger one wanted to go so badly -- but especially to ride the big yellow bus. So, one day she gave her jacket to her sister and asked her to take it to school with her. If Emily couldn't go to school or ride the bus, at least her jacket could!
It is so hard to see them off to school. I feel ya girl!!
ummm, I think this quilt is going to be good. The fabrics look better here than they did while we were shopping. Exciting!
I love the fabric selection for the quilt.
The fabrics are so pretty! They look so excited about school; Hope they had a good time!
My second in in Kinder too and it is hard!!! Christ pulls me through also!! You can do it mommy!! I know I can...the new schedule will be hard, though!!
Beautiful babies!!! love you, Hon so proud of you and Joe and all your hard work with my grandchildren; miss you all! Natalie's fabrics are so warm and adorable; it will look very rich and comfy...mom
My Mother just started a quilting bee to give to women shelters in the city. I am so proud of her for this.. I will email her your blog so she can get some ideas?
Time goes by too fast doesn't it?
I LOVE that fabric!!
oh the days when i wanted to go to school... that didn't last long!!!
You have such sweet kiddos! I think they just grow up too fast : )
Your kids are adorable, I hope you make it through the first week of school. I can't wait to see what you do with the pretty fabric.
Aw, the first day of kindergarden is exciting! As for the fabrics I absolutely love the color combo...its reminds me of java and cup cakes :) mmmhmm. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
Those fabrics are great. Who makes them?
Just had to leave a comment when I saw your picture of your kids and their ages. Our family is almost exactly the same. We have 3 girls and then a boy. Mine are a bit older. But almost the same spacing. Sorry. . . I just find it interesting when I find a family very similar to ours. :)
I, too, was just getting sentimental the other day when school started, although my children are grown and either in college or on the other side, but I was remembering their first day at kindergarten and searched desperately for a picture I remember taking of them that day. I was so glad to find it! You're right about faith in Christ - it's priceless!!!
your kids are so cute! You need to take this picture every year so that they can laugh about how much they changed when they are older. Your son's hair/expression are adorable!
Good luck with the school transition :)
What cute little girls!!
ttfn :) Yuki
My little guy started kindergarten...so sad for me, but good for him and good for business, as I have some real free time to focus! Your kids are just cute as buttons, Amy! I hope they all have an enjoyable school year and that mommy can have lots of fun with her sewing machine when the little guy is napping!
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