OLFA Rotary Circle Cutter
Large Self-Healing Cutting Mat
Instant Design Wall
Super Satchel Thread Box
10 Yards Moda Muslin Bleached White
Gingher 8-Inch Shears
Quilt Display Rack
Binding Clips
Electric Quilt Company Amy Butler Software 22 Sewing Projects
Easy Dresden Quilting Ruler
EQ6 Quilt Design Software
And if you are buying for a reader - you might consider a book suggested to me by my blog readers.
Are any of these on your list? Maybe you should send a hint to whomever is shopping for you!
Natalia and Vicki are sharing their own lists of gift ideas as well - maybe they have something you need!
What are you hoping for under the tree?
I had the best weekend with my family AND my sewing machine - I hope you did too ~
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My husbands knows that when he gets me ANYTHING for my sewing room he'll be the hit! LOL
Besides ANYTHING I would really love some more fabric!
Well I didn't know what I was hoping for but now I have a start to some ideas. Thanks!!! This helps.
Thanks Amy, This is really a great list.
Great list Amy! It's hard to know waht to ask for when there is so much out there, this is a great start (though I treated myself to a new mat last week! out of desperation of course LOL)
This is a great list! I could use a couple of these items too. I have always wanted to see that circle cutter in action. And I think I need a new cutting mat since mine is looking a little ragged. Hope you get all you hope for!
I am always a fan of just building up the stash.
Amy - too funny! Great minds think alike. I've got a list compiling over at my blog as well. Come and put down your wishlist, and I'll add it to my compiled list, and then I'm going to post it on Wednesday...there's a giveaway too! Some fq's just in time for Christmas!
This is a long list..... but one thing caught my attention..... how do you know when your cutting mat is on it's last legs?
awesome list. i love the design wall. i maybe mentioning this to my christmas elf.
Great list! I would love a quilt display rack too! :)
Great list, I'd love a design wall and a quilt display rack (although my embroidery frame works well). I always ask for a P&Q magazine subscription too.
Fantastic list! Now I know where to send people....
Marianna - My cutting mat has places where it is no longer healing, and my rotary cutter skips on occasion while cutting in those areas. I've had a good run with it, maybe 5+ years - I'm due for an upgrade :)
I sooo love my Ginghers shears. They make the best left handed scissors. I've had mine about 11 years now and they've been great.
I'll just casually leave this page open on the computer for my husband... haha! The hubs and I don't really do presents for birthdays or X'mas... we just spend the day together cos that's all we really want :)
What a great list!
Great ideas. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving weekend. I enjoyed time with my family but the sewing machine had to stay home.
Great list Amy. I have the instant design wall and love it. Did not know you could find some of these items at Amazon...especially fabric. Glad your Thanksgiving was wonderful.
Great list Amy! I'm hoping for a longarm, but since I control the budget, that's not going to happen for many more years LOL!
If you dont have one ask for a clover seam ripper OMG youll love it
great list! I would love to get a pair of Gingher scissors...sticking with my trusy orange ones for now
Shape Cutter Plus is also really nice. Joann.com sells it and you can find a coupon to buy it online for a cheaper price that way. :)
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