We have had a week of frigid temperatures, I'm not complaining really, but I have to stay warm! So here's a fun post for you --
1 - Wear your warmest down jacket, over your second warmest down jacket, with a scarf from mom too.

When we first moved here from Southern California, I needed the biggest warmest jacket I could find - I was never warm! Now I mostly wear
the lighter
of the two, this week I've doubled up when taking the girls to school at -10F.
2 - Good boots.

Those ugg boots don't work for me here - I need traction so I don't land on my bum outside! These are a pair of North Face boots I got on
Steepandcheap a couple years ago. They zip up the back, making them a quick and easy boot!
3 - Our wood stove is the best! Today out of desperation I split kindling and built my first fire of the season.

Joe usually enjoys building the fire, but had to get out the door too quickly this morning.
4 - Lots of snuggle time under lots of quilts!

Most of my quilts I fill with cotton batt (warm & natural) but I have one with primaloft - and it is my favorite this time of year! Always toasty warm.

That's my list!
What do you do to keep warm!?
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The cutest cuddlers!
It's only been as low as 18 here, but that's cold for us. Walking the dogs each morning I'm sure to wear a hat and have my hood up. Plus, you can't forget the long john's, those have been a life saver here! oh yeah, and a nice hot cup of coffee helps a ton...
most the same thing, though I don't have wood stove or a fireplace for that matter, and lots of cuddling! And never forget the hot cocoa/tea
I agree! It's been WAY too cold!!!! Cute post!
microwave rice bags
hot cocoa
polar fleece socks
Its been -9C here today. rather nippy. The shovelling was unpleasant to say the least. On my bed I have a rug of 6 sheep skins from New Zealand. Very snuggly even when its super cold.
Awww! It's so nice to see your faces :)
Staying warm: shot of espresso, a quilt, and a furry animal in my lap. After the coffee has been consumed, of course.
umm - put on a sweatshirt :-)
That looks fun for maybe a day - I'm sure I'd be freezing though! Love all those gorgeous quilts...fun post!
SO FUN!! Love your scarf too!! It is raining here but I wish we had weather like yours, just a few days at least!! Enjoy cuddle time and those warm fires!!
Oh I love these pictures and boy do I remember bundling up and not wanting to roll over in bed and lose the warm spot. *Sigh*
Now when I want to stay warm, I walk out of my air conditioned house and into the heat outside most of the time. It is so hard to get that Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year feeling when there's no snow on the ground and no woodstove or fireplace in the house. I used to love to walk outside in the cold and snow with the clear star-filled skies and the smell of all the wood stoves and fireplaces.
Thanks for sharing these pics - they are great!
1) Stay inside
2) Heat all my microwave rice bags
3) Get under the covers with said rice bags
4) Cuddle with a good book and the cat (who also likes the rice bags!)
I hear ya! I wear boots and do the shuffle through ice and snow so I don't fall down. :)
It's to be a high of -30 on the weekend, and a low of -40. That's celsius, but it doesn't matter .... it's freezing!
I make a hot cup of lemon/honey tea, zip under my quilt and stuff my feet under dh's legs. LOL.
California sounds really good right about now. Stay warm!
Cold here too. I try not to go outside.
Thanks for the link to steap and cheap! looks like a great shopping place! I wear my hubby's carhart's (http://onebeermom.blogspot.com/2009/12/winter-wonderland.html) to stay warm...and look cool doing it too :) Last fall I would wear his overall carharts, my pink moon boots and a pink coat to the farm market...everyone loved me! I also have quilts that I used flannel for the backing...super cozy!
mostly i stay inside to keep warm! i think i would really love a fire right now.
I hear you. I am in Logan and it is SO SO cold. Our pipes were frozen this morning. I love your boots and should get a pair. My toes have only been warm today thanks to my microwave hot pad.
Checking in from California. Much warmer here, although it IS raining. Husband is from Minnesota. Wants to move back. HUH?
Amy, I love the picture of you with your kids under the quilt....so sweet. Reminds me when I was with younger kids. Now they are grown and in college/high school. Time goes by so fast and I miss those snow days. Have a great holiday and I love reading your blog. Steph
Love this post. We're lightweights here when it comes to cold - didn't get above 3C yesterday and that was really chilly! It's all comparative I suppose. My DH is a bit of a Scrooge and his response it always "put another sweater on" when I moan about being cold. Would definitely recommend cosy socks - I have some lovely cashmere ones, mmmm. Hats are good but they do muzz up the hair :( Indoors it's a wheatbag, quilt (or two), a warm drink and then a jacket potato with melted cheese, yum. I love it when it's sunny with a layer of snow, not so keen when it's grey and cold and just miserable.
As a lifelong MN/WI native it is all in the layers and flannel quilts with wool batting...and a cup of licorice tea (my personal favorite).
under the quilts and layers f socks! :)...love your stove.
oh man---it has been so cold and windy here in MN too--NOT loving it. am Loving my new slippers from Target...thinking about getting some hand/feet warmers too. usually I am fine, but this came on so suddenly---it was a really warm November, but it's OVER. slept with 5 blankets last night-so silly...stay warm chica!:)
What do I do to stay warm? I get the heck out of Utah!!!! But since that isn't always feasible, I lock myself in a room with 23 cute and enegergetic kindergartners everyday.
Wow, do I feel like a wimp for complaining about slightly below freezing in NJ! My favorite warm up strategy is to be a wiener sandwich --- get under a blanket with my 2 dachshunds on either side of me. I'm having a hot flash within 5 minutes.
those are good tips for staying warm! i run my oven a lot more in the winter. and i've been telling all my friends here that this is the time of year that i LOVE that i knit and quilt. it's so practical for these frigid temps. we've been consuming lots of hot chocolate and hot tea in pretty mugs. that helps, too. :)
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