She did have one birthday party with friends when she was in Kindergarten, but since then I have just been too overwhelmed/poor to think about having a bunch of friends over, and have the family over later. It is enough making goodies for her to take to school for her classroom. Maybe when our kids are a bit older, it may be more possible - but I wouldn't want them to expect major parties every year!
My kids are loved and happy - and I am happy to be home with them. I think our kids will just have to enjoy those parties at other kids houses. I just don't see it happening here - and I am ok with that, I'm pretty sure they are too. =)
Do you throw elaborate parties for your kids? Just curious =)
I posted Owen's birthday pictures here.
Our birthday party days are over...we kept them the tail on the donkey, playing soccer in the park and a few really fun super soaker let's see how wet we can get parties. It seemed in our day that it was the bigger the better. Almost felt like a competition sometimes.
We do a birthday party when the kids turn 1. After that, our rule was 5... except that when our oldest turned 5 he wasn't really asking for a party ;-) So... we skipped that year! So he had a party for his 6th birthday which consisted of inviting 2 friends and their families over for pizza and cake. That's it.
:-) IMO, the money spent on elaborate parties is better spent elsewhere.... I just can't justify going and dropping $250 at Chuckie Cheese!! I'd rather spent $50 on pizza and cake, and do something amazing for the family that will be longer lasting and more worthwhile with the other $200. You know?
Every year has been a family party except for last year when we had the party with little people...but it was at my parents house so we could use the entertainment...I think we spent like $50 total...keep it simple is my philosophy
No elaborate parties here either-but we do like to get invited to others!
I am hoping to institute something like this. Everyone seems to go all out for parties here...overwhelming! I love family parties.
random question...what template do you use on your site? I like how the lines on each blog are longer. I don't like how squashed each paragraph is on mine...
what a gorgeous girl you have! I don't even have kids yet, but don't worry about not going all out each year. All those parties are more for the benefit of the parents then the kids. Sadly.
We have simple family birthday parties.
My daughter wants a "real" birthday party. I told her if I spend all that money on a really cool birthday party, I won't be able to buy her anything nice for her birthday.
She says she's fine with that.
I don't think I can handle the stress.
I don't even want to start.
Once they have an awesome birthday party, they'll want it every year x's that by 3 kids --- No Thanks.
Maybe, maybe when they are older, but I rather not.
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