I was thinking about me trying to get the gum out - why didn't I just go the easy route and cut it to begin with? It was near the bottom and back of her hair - she was probably laying down. . . Oh well - I think sometimes I just have to try the preferred method instead of trying to just get by. No one will ever notice - she has lots of curls AND it was well hidden.
After that we had a great day! Some extended family have been in town and we went to the hotel they were at to swim in the pool. Maybe I should back that up, and say after we left the house it was great. Getting swimsuits on, sunscreen on, snacks, and baby paraphernalia together took an hour and Owen just wanted me - again yuck. Good thing I started early.
My sewing machine (Claire, maybe) has been tucked away since Owen's birthday - hopefully tomorrow I can get her out and post something beautiful! I have my two quilt tops finished but lack a few necessary items to finish - soon. . .
Did that hurt?!
Not once we got the scissors out! She was wincing with every tug before the scissors =)
Glad you got it out. One of my girls went to sleep with gum once-and it was a real mess!!
oh yuck! Ahh...the life of a mommy...glad you had fun at the pool though
eeek! I think every kid has to do this at least once!
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