I met a fun bunch of quilters and learned a little too. The show and tell was so much fun - but of course I forgot my camera at the last minute, sneaking out of the house is easier said than done. I'm pretty sure that Rachel will have all the quilts up soon.
All that said, I'm hoping to be a regular guild member real soon!
The Arts Night at school was lots of fun - here's a few pics of the girls and their Eric Carle inspired artwork.
Emmalie's leaf
They were copying the shapes that they saw within the pictures of the animals.
I've got some mega number crunching to get done today and over the weekend - probably should have gotten a better nights sleep! I hope you have a great weekend~
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you are lost now.....a guild junky! congrats! you will become addicted to the fun.
that is great that you got to go to a guild meeting finally! I've been planning to go to the one in the next town over since August -they meet the 3rd Thur each month but every month something comes up that prevents me from going :(
Now that the holidays are nearly here I feel like I'd be really out of place going if they are having their end of the year parties... :(
Like you I'm a mom of little ones - I have a 5 year old and 2 year old twins... so it's more of a challenge to schedule "me" time. Maybe things will work out for me after the new year?
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
I hope you get to come to guild every month now! I really have fun attending and learn so much, plus for me it's a nice break! :)
Great that you went to the guild meeting-that should be really enjoyable for you.
Your girls look so cute-and the art work is adorable too.
Good for you for going to the quilt guild! Sometimes those things can be intimidating, so I bet you felt relieved to put yourself out there and just go. Art night looks like it was fun!
Well done you - just don't get signed up as a committee member LOL
That is cool! I should try and go to ours, but it's so hard to sneak out of the house at night and I already have to once a week for something else....
Love the Eric Carle inspired art! SO cool!
Good for you for joining a guild. I haven't been brave enough yet. I love all the Eric Carle inspired art work. He is one of my favorites. Enjoy your weekend.
Love this artwork...it is interesting what kids see when they look at something!
Great pics! I love children's artwork and the way in which they approach it!
Good For YOU!! You're work is too good not to share. Have fun.
ttfn :) Yuki
Someday I'll be brave enough to join a guild! There isn't one in my city but a couple nearby. I hope you continue to enjoy it (and take pics!!!)
Your girls are adorable with their artwork. What a great program they're connected with at school.
Congrats on joining the guild. I hope your group of ladies are a nice as our group. We have a great time and everyone is so encouraging and they are so helpful and you learn alot as well.
Your kids and their drawings are cute as can be.
How cool that you finally joined! I'm still trying to get up the nerve (and find the time) to join mine
Your daughter's artwork is amazing. They have inherited your talent.
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