After seeing the cover of this magazine online - I had to have it!! I waited and waited, a coupon came up to use via the Interweave store, and I went for it. If I were to buy it now I would go see Kathy. So glad to have this mag in my collection too - beautiful inspiration on every page! Even the advertisements were inspiring :)
I hope you are well and blessed ~
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I saw that at a bookstore and I've been thinking about getting it since! Plus the cover quilt's obviously by the Material Obsession ppl, right? That's enough reason right there :)
WOW! My quilts are so simple compared to those designs! And yet, perhaps they should do a magazine on YOUR quilt festival because there were many amazing quilts found there as well!
Tammy ~@~
I bought that one and the new Stitch from Kathy :-) They are both amazing!
That looks amazing! Thanks for sharing :)
I love the scenery quilts! Someday I will make one of those! That's my goal! :)
It IS a great magazine, isn't it?! I just received mine in the mail, and I'm enchanted with it!
It looks good.
Some of those look more like paintings than quilts. It is amazing the talent these people have. Thanks for sharing some of it with us.
looks like a good read... i like magazines that show lots of art quilts!
I have this mag too and just love looking at all the eye candy!
Lovely! Thanks for sharing!
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