July 08, 2010

Another Project

Yes, I'm cutting into some more fabric!  I use to be a one project at a time sorta girl, but that's so not true anymore :)  In fact I might cut another quilt while I'm at it - I love being able to piece and press in an assembly line!

Crossweaves + Natural Linen
These are the colors I'm planning to use from the stack - I love the brights!

I originally purchased my FQ stack from Fat Quarter Shop, but they aren't carrying the Cross Weave collection right now - I added the dark brown yardage from Pink Chalk Fabrics.  And the linen I had on hand! 

How many projects do you currently have in progress?

Stay tuned - there's always more to come!  :)
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Anonymous said... 1

I have four right now. I have plans for a few more. Your quilt should look pretty with the colors you picked.

Teresa Marie said... 2

Love the fabric colors Amy! Can't wait to see what you are going to do with them. I've been quilting now for about two years, and have completed one quilt, two pillows, and one quilt top and back that needs to be quilted and bound. I just started on a pinwheel quilt for my mom's birthday in October, but wanted to give my bff a quilt for her birthday, which is this Saturday, so decided to cut into some fabric I won from "The Quilt Shoppe", to make her a disappearing 9patch. I started it two days ago and almost have the quilt top done! I'm thinking my bff will be getting the quilt a little late though. I also think I've now been bitten by the quilt bug.

grendelskin said... 3

Mmm, that's a pretty selection, looking forward to seeing what you make of it! I have too many going for my own comfort right now - I think I have 6 in pregress, including the 2 handwork/presumed-to-be-long-term quilts. I'm hoping to get a couple of finishes in the next few weeks, I prefer to have only 3 or 4 at a time!

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said... 4

I love your fabrics, can't wait to see what they turn into. I have about 6 or 7 on the go, a couple haven't been looked at for awhile and a couple of others are long term projects.

Anonymous said... 5

I have 3 that I am working on and 3 more in the brain. I am looking forward to see what you are making of these wonderful colors! The go so well together :)

Needled Mom said... 6

I can't even count how many I have going.

Those fabrics look luscious!

mascanlon said... 7

Hmmm, I have 3 I am actively working on. And thats a first I used to work on one until I was bored and then leave it and move on! And 2 that need binding only and then oh about a dozen true UFOs!

VickiT said... 8

Oh gosh, I have about 9 projects lined up. Have I started any of them? NOPE! And I yell at myself every morning to start at least one of them too. I've become very good at ignoring myself. HA

Leslie said... 9

Too many projects too count! Let us know how those fabrics perform after ironing. I've used some that are similar, with a metallic quality, and they didn't do well under higher heat. I have these too - they're beautiful - but haven't tested them yet.

Linda said... 10

I have three going on right now, a purse, tablerunner, and the Simple Sampler, but I'm sure there will be another project in the works very soon!

Just JaiCi's Crafts said... 11

I have, at most times, about 10 projects going at a time!!!! They're not all quilts, but all sewing right now!
I find that if I have lots of projects, I get tons done. Downside...I get nothing "finished" for long periods of time, then have tons done all at once :)

Vicki said... 12

Pretty bright colors!
I brought 5 projects with me on vacation, I have easily at least 10 more started projects at home :)

WoolenSails said... 13

More than I want to count, lol.
I got some cross weave to try, love the look and feel. Can't wait to see what you make with it.


Joanna said... 14

Love those colors! I have too many WISPs that I'm embarassed to count them! What's worse though is I'm getting ready to cut another quilt top today, too! Can't wait to see what you make with your fabulous linens!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said... 15

Your color choices look awesome Amy! Can't wait to see what you are making.

Sandi Linn Andersen said... 16

Way too many projects in progress and can't keep track of them all! Having fun, though, so that's what counts! Love these colors and will be interested to see what you do with them along with the linen. I bought some linen a few weeks ago and have a project in my mind but can't find the time to get to it! Maybe later in July.......

Anonymous said... 17

I don't even know how many projects I have going right now! LOL I get a little scatterbrained with my crafting sometimes. I have some major ones, like my daughter's quilt, the Sampler quilt, and then little ones that are mostly for Christmas gifts.

I was so excited the other day when I saw you posted a response on my blog. Haha! Thank you for stopping by! I love your blog.

Anonymous said... 18

love the colors of that linen!!

How many projects do I currently have on the go? well lets see, if you are just counting sewing/quilting projects then I have 4 projects on the go. If you are counting all the other crafty things I do, like knitting, etc then you can add about 30 to that...lol i like to keep busy and sometimes after a project that I get completed, I sometimes get Starteritis...lol.

Hope you have a fun day!

Kristen said... 19

How do these compare to quilting weight cotton? They look beautiful! I may have to buy a stack! Oh no!;)

Tracey Jacobsen said... 20

I too have lost count. :P

This looks great Amy! :)

Amber H. said... 21

Right now I've got one major project going on, with a repair project off to the side, since I need to be inspired to finish it! (Plus, I'm lacking fabric to repair it)

Anonymous said... 22

I have two in progress, but I'm itching to start a new one...

Sarah Craig said... 23

I have, in progress, two Simple Sampler quilt-along quilts, one Bee Splendid quilt, a Christmas around-the-world quilt, a quilt for our church mission fund, and some striped blocks I'm playing with. I've got an old quilt that I'm trying to salvage and rejuvenate for a friend that's in a pile of pieces at the moment. I also have two piles of fabric specifically bought for quilts that I'm trying to pick a pattern for, and I'm hosting a quilting bee on Saturday to make a quilt to give to a woman at church who needs encouragement. We'll piece the top jointly, but I'll probably be the one who puts it together, quilts and binds it.

So how many projects do you have going on?

Sarah Craig said... 24
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Sarah Craig said... 25
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bethanndodd said... 26

Such beautiful colors! I am so interested to see how it turns out. I have yet to use linen in a quilt. I am working on 3 baby quilts. I also have several other smaller projects in the works (but they are all clothing or accessory items). They will all get done soon enough ;o). Happy cutting!

Trudi said... 27

Beautiful fabrics Amy! I have way too many projects on the go, too many to count that's for sure! LOL

Micki said... 28

I love the colours that you are using. I have been ill, so no projects in progress, but I will be starting an art journal soon.

Sue said... 29

I have 4 projects going right now and I am fighting the temptation to start another! Can't wait to see what you are doing with this gorgeous fabric!

Fabric Fanatic said... 30

lovely fabrics....can you use both the linens and regular weight quilting cottons together in a quilt top? I've noticed that several of my favorite bloggers are using linens or linen blends in their quilts and am curious about them. Don't the linens hold creases?

Terriaw said... 31

Oolala, I do love the look of these fabrics! Love how the cross-weave creates a soft, matted look.

Eileen said... 32

way too many, but so excited about one i get to start--a quilt for my newest granddaughter born this afternoon!! so excited to do pinks, eyelet, roses and some yellow tossed in to match the bedroom

Grey Cat said... 33

I love that color selection!

As for how many projects I have going... Seven.

*facepalm* Back later.

I have to finish something.

Anonymous said... 34

Yummy colors! I will NOT count WIP's!

What Comes Next? said... 35

Lovely fabrics! wips, being those that are still visible in my sewing area (versus those those ufos that have gone into hiding!) I think there are at least 6. ufos - I'm not going there!

zarina said... 36

I know what you mean about sewing in chains. I have a few tops/back ready to be quilted but already thinking of cutting for another two/three new projects. Oh yes, I also have two need to be binded.

Munaiba said... 37

I seem to have so many things on the go at the moment! I’m in the home straight of my draught stopper, half way through machine quilting my Kaffe for All Seasons winter quadrant, still hand quilting my Andalusian Tile quilt and I’m doing the Arabesque reverse appliqué. If you'd like to see my progress on the Arabesque there's a photo on my blog. I did know it might be difficult to see the pattern because I was using two busy fabrics but I was hoping you'd still be able to see it popping in and out. I'm not sure it's working but I'll keep going with it and see what transpires.

Allie said... 38

What delectable fabrics!!!!

Amanda Jean said... 39

i have 16 (!!!) quilt wip's now. it's killing me! it seems like every time i finish one i start 2 more! i'm hoping to be down to 10 by the end of summer. (Ha! i'll probably be up to 20 by then if the trend continues!) oh, well, it's good to have goals, right? ;)

Joyce E Braxton Coley said... 40

I have quite a few tops made but keep putting off preparing the backs to make more pretty tops... alas.. I will have at least the one I'm working on completed by the 27th ... Arthritis won't let me do any significant hand quilting.