The Quilt Festival started in spring of 2009. I had been thinking about
an online quilt show for a few months, but wasn't sure I would get the
turn out that I hoped. So I waited, not wanting to do anything in haste.
I realized that I could ask fabric shops to sponsor the event, and to
my surprise many accepted! Within a weeks time I had a dozen sponsors
and had spread the word around blogs in preparation for the launch. I
was so excited to meet so many generous quilters in the process!
week of the first festival - blew me away! All the quilting bloggers
sharing about their favorite quilts and what the quilt had meant to
them. All that they had learned and how they grew as a quilter, and
person through the process. Just amazing! The variety of quilts is
wide, as is the skill level - but EVERYONE is welcome to join.
Quilt Festival Links
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
To Participate : :
1 - Write a post the week of the festival (old posts will be deleted).
2 - In your post link back to the festival (posts without a link will also be deleted).
3 - Share a link to your post, in the mr linky on the festival post.
4 - Leave me a comment on the festival post to be entered into giveaways.
5 - Visit all the other quilters sharing their quilts and be inspired!

Frequently Asked Questions --
- May I join in, please? :)
- You'll be posting the directions of what to do again, won't you?
- Help! I can't ever make buttons work.
- Are the signups going to be different?
- Please send me details on how to get on board.
- The button takes you to the page of information. Is that what you want?