Personally, I'm still torn - I like how flat the block is when I press my seams open, but there are times when the bit of bulk adds dimension to the blocks. So for now I'm just going to decide as I go!
There's a few applications where I will always press flat: triangles, working on mitered corners, binding strips, and anywhere with lots of seams meeting up. Oh, Fransson - had a post about ironing recently, apparently someone had the gall to tell her she was doing it wrong! I never did ask, why do you iron to one side? After reading her post I felt a bit more empowered in my open pressing :)
The poll:
Which way do you press your seams while quilting?
56% to one side
1% open
37% depends
3% don't iron!
There's two of you out there that don't iron! I would love to hear about your process :) I will occasionally finger press, but only in a pinch!
Do you have trouble getting your seams open? Here's a peak at my process --
I lay it face down on my ironing surface.
I run the side of my iron along side the fresh seam - this keeps from pressing a fold in, and pops the seam open!
I use my finger to start the opening
Then put the iron to the task.
I turn it over - to further press.
All set, and ready for more :)
Not the best pictures, but hopefully helpful!
Blessings ~ Amy
I'm not one of the two that voted for not pressing (how I missed that post I don't know) but I haven't been pressing seams. Why? Because I'm lazy and didn't think I needed to. What is my method? Um, carzy woman, madly sewing, with fly-away bangs flying around my head... Yeah, that's about right. I just haven't seen where I need to press... I'm swear I'm going to start pressing to see if it makes it all better!
I press mine usually to the dark. There have been a few times where they are open but not often.
And to add a little more interest to the ironing (or pressing as I was told) conversation - a long time quilter at our guild meeting said all seam must first be "set" before they are pressed. That means laying the seam flat and pressing it before it is either pressed to one side or open. What do others have to say about this step in quilting?
I press mine usually to the dark also. There are exceptions. Just whatever makes it lay best.
thanks for posting the ironing update Amy! It sounds like as long as you iron (to the side or open) you probably can't go wrong!
I too set my seams before pressing. Generally I go to the dark, but it depends on the block or how I am setting things. The goal is to make sure things fit together well. Pressing is crucial, IMHO.
Also, I believe it is careful to use a gentle hand when pressing. Your photos are great because they just show the iron. You should be able to iron with one hand - the one holding the iron. If you use two it is sometimes easier to pull fabric and stretch it.
PS What is that blue barkcloth/tiki like fabric? I NEED to find it.
Hey Amy, I used to press mine open also until I went to a quilt shop and they told me I shouldn't because it could make the corners weak. I thought I was doing it properly. Plus it looks nicer on the back (I'm kind of a neat nik) I think it really doesn't matter. How funny that someone would tell you that you were wrong. I finished up my blocks tonight. Had such a blast too. It was my very first try at a log cabin. I think it turned out ok. You'll have to swing by tomorrow afternoon and tell me what you think. Hugs-Summer
I'm mostly just too lazy to press the seams open. It takes too much work to pry the fabric apart :)
I bet this really helped a lot of folks Amy-neat post and poll!
After following Elizabeth's quilt-along (Oh Fransson!), I am a converted press seam open. I just love how it looks on the inside and the feel on the outside (that sounds weird but its true).
Amy, I just came across this post, very interesting to read everyones point of view. I personally don't have a preference but I have learned from being a machine quilter that if you for sure want anything stitched in the ditch make sure that you don't press that particular seam open. I just recently made a quilt and I pressed every seam open and it lays nicer than any quilt that I've ever made.
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