- May I join in, please? :) Of course! Everyone is welcome to join!
- You'll be posting the directions of what to do again, won't you? Absolutely! Everything will be clear October 9, but if you would like to see the spring festival for an idea of what to expect - go visit the spring post.
- Help! I can't ever make buttons work. See the box of html below the button? Put your cursor in there, press control+A, then control+C to copy ALL the code. Then go to your blog, add a html gadget and press control+V to paste the code. Save and you should have a nifty little button! You can also paste it into a blog post :) This is for blogger - I have no idea how the other platforms work - sorry!
- Are the signups going to be different? Nope! See the spring festival if you would like to know what to expect.
- Please send me details on how to get on board. Sorry - I'm having a hard time keeping up with everyone, if your question isn't answered here, let me know. Everyone is welcome to participate beginning October 9 :)
- The button takes you to the page of information. Is that what you want? Yes! Right now I need your help spreading the information to as many quilting bloggers as possible - we don't want them to miss out, do we!? On October 9 I will change the code to go directly to the Quilt Festival post.
I will update this post as needed - thanks for all your interest! It is going to be so fun!!
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Sounds like lots of excitment is building!! I hope it is a huge success!
I'm so excited, Amy! I've been wondering when you were going to do the next one. I can't wait! Grabbing a button too.
It is going to be so fun! YIPPEE! I can hardly wait!
Tammy ~@~
Looking forward to this! Just posted about it on my blog.
Thank you for doing this! I run a pediatric treatment study group, and I can't believe how many of the same questions I answer over and over, even in response to emails I have sent with an attachment that answers all of their questions. LOL. I'm looking forward to it!
Thanks Amy, I got my button on my blog, cant wait to join in on the fun!
Oh yes! I am ready to "play" again. I love the quilt festival!
Woo hoo!!! Yes count me in again please? I posted the button on my blog and I am ready. What fun, I have met many friends from festival the last time and looking forward to meet some more. Thanks for hosting it again Amy - Hugs Natima
Hi Amy
I was just visiting Jodi at Pleasant Home and she mentioned your quilt festival. What a great idea. I will definitely sign up when the time comes! Can't wait!
Hugs, Rhondi
Thanks for setting this up...I am fairly new to blogging and have found that by participating in events online like this that it is a great way to "meet" other quilting bloggers. The quilting going on out there is so inspiring!:o)
I'd love to be part of this. Looking forward to it!
If I will be attending the real International Quilt Festival (IQF), can I join your Blog Quilt Festival (BQF)? -- I plan to!
... anticipation is growing....
I'm so excited! It is SO hard to pick my favorite quilt - it's like having to pick a favorite among my children. I'm looking at pictures of them (over and over) trying to decide...only a few more hours...yikes!
How exciting! A new online quilt festival. I have created a link to the festival, and posted my favorite quilt. Here is the link:
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